Gnome Warlock
Heroes of the Command
I am looking to possibly date a Paladin Whybenes…or something like that
Hello Evelynn!
I will be around for Classic.
Cowie had roll hax, probably was him forreal.
Valrath (aka Maller) went on to do big boy things, remember TSG in WOTLK? That was him.
Has anyone seen Marol? Orgrimmar wouldn’t be the same without that little gnome terrorizing it.
LOL Marol. I swear every time I looked at the Guild Roster to see who was online, he was showing up in Orgrimmar.
I thought I smelled a filthy gnome =P
I’m west coast now, so Myzrael is my strongest contender for classic server, but I may also create something on Pagle.
Hey Balrage, Quill here. Good to see you class officer. Lets remember to give the Head of Broodlord Lashlayer to a human next time lol.
LOL. Sounds about right because the usual reaction in orgrimmar was like…
“Orgrimmar is under attack!”
Random player: WHERE!?
Random player: Don’t worry about it, its just Marol.
Also Quill, and any WR / Ally folk. Not sure if you remember my RL buddy Embargo (Gnome Mage) but he wanted me to say Hi to ya’ll for him.
Anyone else here planning to roll on Pagle? Looks like that may be where I am headed.
/wave Waibanez. Good to see you again.
Might and Magic. Kohan, NE warrior and Seanathan, NE Hunter. That was before I went horde and PvP.
Night Elf Druid
Flame of the Phoenix - Windriders? - Spartans - Eminence
I played casually from 2005 until 2006 when I started to raid. Looking for people I used to play with back then and what server they’re planning on playing on.
So fun seeing all these familiar names, especially Windriders <3
So many of those names sound familiar to me! Inky, Terra, Jordanc, and Chaosruler. I know I was in PRG, but I’m struggling to remember who I was… LOL I think I may have had a human holy paladin named Allison. o_O
I remember you dude from Alteric Valley, I knew a lot of people in SFU and they should know me and my guild. SFU escorted us into the Throne Room of Undercity when we did a Mormon Run in Vanilla.
This should be under my Main Alericc, Guild Leader of Blurred Reality.
Howdy Opal, Yeldarb here.
I’ll be playing on the Oceanic servers for classic, along with some real life mates, Caiden (dwarf paladin, Windriders, Obscured Reasoning), and some of his crew. You’re welcome to join us, or just hit me up for a chat - Haunter#11588
I think my brother still has contacts with Cyberon and co. too, but we haven’t heard anything from them for a long time.
For anyone else who wants to reconnect, I was Marshal Yeldarb, dwarf warrior in Heroes of the Command and Obscured Reasoning. Often played Yeldashield (paladin) and Yeldaheal (priest).
Would love to hear from Goenitz if you’re out there!
./wave Darbie
Yeldarb, friend request sent!
Who, me? You little sexy gnome you. Can’t wait to play with you again… Its been like two months.