I played a Human Pally named Felas and a Dwarven Hunter named Gelandring.
I was in the guild Two Tankards Too Many.
Was a Rogue named Orthos or Orthoes, don’t really remember.
Moment of Silence. Flame of the Phoenix. A few other guilds I don’t remember…
Looking for I believe… bakedpotato?
Hello old comrade. I used to play a noobish gnome rogue named Silensnex. Don’t know if you remember me.
Played a Human Pally named Tinger. Was a member of Harbingers for some time.
Hey Duninn, It’s Guard/Sixfootkilla/Emberstorm. I was also in Fusion with you. I was pretty young back then but i’ll be returning for classic.
Proximo - Human Paladin.
I believe the guild name was Defiance
Wasn’t the hunter Finhaven or Finheaven. Something like that. GM of Defiance?
Not seeing anyone from Heroes of the Command here, but still playing retail casually and intend to come back for classic.
'Ello there! Back in the day, I used to play a warrior called Nanorc. May not get anybody that remembers me, but I am just looking for a few old friends.
Also from Heroes of the Command, looking to see if anyone is still around.
Chaosruler, Terrible Hunter
Wow, I remember you as Quill. I was in Downfall for a bit. Valrath and others are familiar names as well.
I do! I was in MoS during AQ40 progression
Ceraph - Human Pally, GM of , still going strong in retail too (still have the pally as my main alt in retail). Seeing lots of familiar names from back in the day
Yeah we should all try to end up on the same server. We have a discord going at the moment if you guys want to hop on. I don’t think we’re allowed to give discord info in here so add my battle.net if you want to get the info. It would be nice to have a little hub to have everyone in contact for the launch. Infernum, Eveyle, Rosalin, and a lot of the old group are on it daily. Propaniac#11140
Eveyle, such a crazy nice feeling to remember just about everyone that posted on here. Anyone looking to rekindle with a group of the old Gaia people can can hit me up Eveyle#1407…were going to try to get as many old Dalaran folk we knew together to level with, i hope to talk to a bunch of you.
Hey! I dont remember you, but looked for other Harbingers people. This is actually my same mage. Just a server transfer though. I still have a few alts in the guild actually. Hopefully more will come back
I used to play a NE hunter named Demolt, last guild being Gaia. Looking to reconnect with a lot of you guys!
Realm names posted, is there a specific one the Dalaran people are going to flock to? If I had to guess, Atiesh and Mankrik are likely to be more popular due to their names, so Myzrael or Pagle might be safer choices.
Hey! Lot of guilds I recognize. I used to play a human rogue named ‘Aarondrake’. Was in Serenty for a bit before starting to play with the Aussie pug late night. Joined the guild Kotaku when they made it. Good times.
Pandia - Human Priest (Holy)
Obscured Reasoning
I used to play with Cowie, Nalor, Lunaa, Gnorlock, Gorgoron, Asiris (bottom of the healing meters with me), Balrage (strange little dwarf), and Trix. Miss all you guys.
Later I was in Windriders, Eminence and HoTC.