Dalaran Alliance Reconnections

Hey dude, nice to see you here. I am playing Horde on Stalag.

Horde on Stalaag

LOL trying to play alliance but in que of 14,000 + now down to 9000+

Well - this was the toon I played on back in vanilla :smile: …forget the other guilds names I was in during though, Eminence, that guild that Ivanhorex ran for a time and the offshot of that one for a little bit…some names look familiar, but it was such a long time ago…Character on live currently: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/duskwood/stromm

Bnet: Panic0reroll#1946
Discord: Stromm#2310

I was never in Requital, but the name Illethia seems familiar to me. What was the character? Might help jog my memory a bit. It’s been so many years it’s hard to remember specifics.

Watz! I remember you as well. I just posted up a bunch of old SS on my facebook and you feature in quite a few of them. I remember Asana as well. Great to see so many people i remember!

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which server ya in?

i got some horde toons in westfall

u guys need an out of combat rezzer dwarf pally named Axl?

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Dang - a lot of familiar names on here. I was mainly Shifta (Resto Druid) and Slokha (Warlock) in a few guilds, but ended up in HotC from late Vanilla through early Wrath. Actually this post is with the toon that was originally Shifta (which was an awful damn name)

Not sure if I’ll end up playing Classic as I’ve been playing regular on and off all these years and am used to the speed and convenience (need to be level 40 to get a slow mount… blech).


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Hello good sir!!

Nice to see you here…

What is up Dalaran!? Wrathchild here. Main Tank for Might & Magic through Vanilla. Great to see so many familiar names and Guilds.

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still in que since 6 ….5 hour que and still 3431 in position…crazy just like vanilla…Skeram is the realm we are trying to get on…

Char: Huor Human Warrior
Guilds Swat to Heroes of the Command till Cata

Still play retail Actively, going to play Classic casually.

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Hafalgor, Human Paladin

Started out in Heart of Redemption, The Good Guild, and a few others. Moved to Azeroths Heroes/Eminence, and briefly raided with my boomkin in Moment of Silence in WotLK.

I still play retail, but I’ll be nostalgia-ing it up on Pagle if anyone wants to add me!

Long time no see!

Hi there! I was in CVN in vanilla as Citiana (Mage) and this toon Fluorina (Priest) I was one of the raid leaders for molten core / BWL back in the day. Good to see y’all!

Classic is here! Hope to see you all there. I’ll be on Stalagg, Alliance side, Guie.

I remember you Shifta. :slight_smile: