Allison! Yep! definitely remember you! Are you still playing too?
Still on the Dalaran server. Started off in the Samurai Lackies and ended up in Black Dragon Elite. Will be playing on Mankrik in the near future.
Yeah, strange, Clairvoyant had the same problem, anywho, sent you a request on discord.
Holy crud, the names I can remember in this thread.
Nalier - FotP - Gnome Lock
Hey guys , Embargo here. played a mage on alliance in phoenix royal guard , obscured reasoning , and the wind riders on alliance and some doom on horde side. I am rolling horde on herod. If anyone would like to rejoin the classic adventure feel free to reach out to me and lets re-live the best wow ever made
discord :: joker#5773
blizzard :: j0kk3r#1308
I remember you in Blades Rigsid. You were pretty much the only nonNE in the guild. Ellesime owes me some Jade.
-Cerevisi NELF hunter.
Blades of Darnassus
Darkmoon for about 2 months when they merged and rerolled Horde.
I started and ran Heroes of the Command with LardGibs. See some familiar faces on here…
Druids are awesome tanks and I’ll never put more than 21 points in resto!
/thumbs nose at
I first started playing wow because of my friend Skinums from Moment of Silence. I was in Clatto and did a lot of raiding with them. I was also in Mos and Nightwalkers.
A lot of names I recognize. I can’t wait. Myself and Fatsopuff will be on Herod. Hope to see some of you there.
Hey man, I remember you guys. Feel free to add me Fatsopuff#1575
I played a dwarf Paladin named Krogan. Healing specialist back when the Pally was a viable healer.
Two main guilds: Heart of Redemption, The White Hearts, and The Gang.
Wouldn’t mind catching up with my old buddies Bonehead and Zanine if they are still around.
Hey! I remember both you and your brother. I also remember you, Kohan.
I was in Might and Magic for MC progression and stopped right when we got to BWL. I was a gnome mage named Terrapin and was friends with Barvi the gnome mage and Vnom the hunter. I still vividly remember downing Onyxia and Rag.
I didn’t play for a long time and played some when BFA launched. Thinking about playing some classic. I’ll check this thread before launch to see if anyone else responds.
Oh yes, your name looks VERY familiar! We must have been in the same guild at some point. Things are better all around, how about you?
I played on Blue a night elf hunter, Matix a human paladin, Dropout a human rogue. I played in Gaia, Alliance in Defiance, Moment of Silence and lots of others HMU for Classic djk1727#1225 still playing with Whren and Felren.
leiwulong here, and i have Mychen’s contact
leiwulong here, and i have Mychen’s contact
Good ol Human paladin back in the day, Darthweezel. I can’t really remember all the guilds, but the ones off the top of my head were Lightning Troopers, SWAT, Vernal Equinox, and dabbled a bit into Moment of Silence and Obscure Reasoning I believe.
I also had a Night Elf warrior that went by Amavand at the time that I used for PvP, so may have had run-ins with people in Warsong, Arathi, and Alterac, haha.
Hey Fatso, just sent you the friend request, it’ll be from Orangejoose
That’s a name I haven’t seen in a long time.
Played a character named Mopedssuck/Mopedsstink. I was a 32 NELF hunter, I remember playing with a guy named Azshiz( or Azshis) I’ve lost contact with them but he’s someone I remember very well! If anybody else remembers me it’d be great to be reminded of the old times!