Daily reminder for tanks/healers

if you bring out that huge 1200io 1/8M exp ego in a classic dungeon, acting like it’s a +20

ur bad. like just awful at the game.

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I have no clue what you just said.


i know you dont

No one does.


Anyone relevant on retail would know what i mean.

Why would anyone here want to be relevant on retail? Raider IO is just a new and equally bad version of gearscore.


Oh god I remember gearscore.

I hated it. All my friends hated it.

But we used it because it was practically required to get into pugged raids.


That explains a lot, because I didn’t know wtf you were saying either. I don’t think I’ve run a single dungeon in YEARS though… well in Classic I just did, but not on retail in YEARS…


No one wants to be. You just either are or arent. But the people that have never experienced endgame success in wow before think they can start growing galaxy egos as soon as they get to a very mediocre experience threshold where they think they can start being elitist or exclusionary. I run with a 3k io group, very chill dudes that ive known a while. BUT its the mediocre kids who are beyond toxic because they think theyre better than they actually are.

OK, so why not just say that. That makes sense, its coherent, and easy to understand. I dont necessarily agree with the sentiment, but at least i can understand it now.

Edit: I dont necessarily disagree either.

I’ve been elitist… back in Vanilla and TBC… quite frankly it’s exhausting. It’s better to just accept that I’m the same as everyone else. Well, besides my totally awesome personality that nobody likes at first… it’ll grow on you though! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Opens a random post calling out people with “ur bad”, while rocking that guild name. Calls others toxic… yeahhh


This is set to be one of the most dominant guilds on this server. All mythic raiders and multi-glads with fifty level 60s so far. And the name is a joke btw you animal.

ur bad

I am sure once the dust settles and everyone is to 60. This type of behavior will be more and more prevailing in every possible and imaginable way. There is no way this nonsense does not bleed over to Classic at some point. This mentality was in existence when I first started in TBC. While more widespread, it still existed and has only gotten worse over time. It forced Blizzard to separate content from various factions to lower the level of toxic behavior. Though it still finds itself way of rearing its ugly head from time to to time.

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I feel like there’s a story here that we need to hear.

Explain your ego?

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Yeah, thats not how that works. You have to have some ego to succeed. That goes for anything in life.

As in, you don’t have any ideas or opinions that aren’t just trolling? Pretty sure that’s apparent by your posts.

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I remember never getting into pug ICC raids in wrath because my gearscore was too low. When I finally got into a raid, I was number 2 dps, but when we wiped they blamed me and bailed on the raid. I stopped raiding after that.

In fact, I quit wow shortly after.