Daily Premade vs Premade post

Queue up vs premade 6 hunters 3 priest 1 druid. <3 this game. My team of 5 warriors and no healers fought valiantly. Fun was had by all.


Join a premade and stop crying


Yeah Lava lash horde, help me with all the horde players. Oh wait there is 15 of us.

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Agreed, they need to make a way so that we can make sure we have healers in our battles. They should let us queue with friends, that way we can invite healers to our group and queue. Give us more of a chance when facing premades.

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Why wouldn’t you just roll the mega server?

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Didn’t want 6 hour queues first week. No way of knowing it would have been this one sided of a server.

Yep I can understand that.

However, the pattern time and time again is always the same outcome.

The mega server is always the safest long term investment.

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Premades are not colluding with each other lmao.

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You can’t even make an argument for how they are going to collude with each other when there are over 250 wsg games going every night.

How does anyone dodge or collude with so many numbers up? Afk out? That’s worse than just playing

Or start forming them. Something I’ve noticed (anecdotally of course) is that the same types of people who troll their teammates, actively work to make their team lose, and call to give up exist in them as well.

Having people with this type of attitude makes it very difficult to win games, regardless of PuG or Premade, or even comp, though obviously composition advantage is a thing.

Anyway, it occurred to me that some people may genuinely just prefer that as their playstyle and they want options, too. While personally, I think that type of behavior should be pruned from the community, and would much prefer not to group with people play that way, perhaps some provisions should be made for them?


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When I q up my 3 man pugs will whine before the gates even open.

We just regularly beat these trade chat premades and suddenly when we get the first cap the pugs decide to play.

It’s just woe is meisms and I wish blizzard would let us report these players for BG sabotage


I see that too. My team magically becomes better after I get the first cap.

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“First week” you mean the first 2 days.

There were not 6 hours queues on any server after the first night


How do they organize themsevles in a que pool of 250 games? It’s not possible dude.

You can’t even prove it happens. It can happen if there’s like 5 games up, but not 250 lmao

maybe they do this to dodge 1 premade. But there are literally hundreds of premade queing 7 days a week. How do hundreds of premades coordinate dodging each other?

You are reaching and making wild claims you will never prove.

There are premade wargames going on 7 days a week via the WG feature. That is full premades playing against each other. They’re doing that on purpose. I happen to be one of those premades. There is also a wsg tournament next week with tons of teams playing.

I also solo q regularly and q as a 3 man regularly and still beat premades. My favorite stack to que as unironically is my 3 man. Because we beat 90% of full teams and farm them for whispers on their level 1 alts

You didn’t explain anything . You just guessed. It is quite literally impossible to coordinate ques and dodging on discord with 250+ games up. This only works with less than 10 games or so up.

I know what you’re saying dude. But you’re just telling stories. Nobody is coordinating mass dodging on an imaginary unicorn discord you made up named “dodge eachothers premade discord”

It’s impossible bro. You can’t dodge every premade with 250 games open. The only thing you can do is watch premades that stream and don’t q when they do. There is no coordination going on. You’re dreaming

Cool. Who cares that a bad team is dodging 1 other bad team. What’s insane is your claim a bunch of premades are actively dodging each other when there’s literally hundreds of premades and hundreds of games open. There is literally no way to coordinate that because of que chaos

The queues were only the first day, and the level cap is 25 just reroll

jUsT pLaY hOw yOu aNd mOsT pEopLe DoN’T wAnT tO pLaY

It’s Blizzard’s prerogative if they want bad game design. But it’s bad game design, and has been on this issue since the very first week battlegrounds were introduced. Most people aren’t interested in playing in eazzzy mode for welfare gear like you and just steamrolling pugs with stacked overpowered classes.

The majority of people just dont queue after a certain amount of punishment, or maybe they got their rep.
If you were to reccomend someone pvp for pvp, you would just point them to world pvp.
Bgs arent supposed to be fair, but there is an expectation that the other side is subject to the luck of the matchmaker like you are.

No, I don’t want to, and neither do the players giving feedback. This is more than a premade issue, this is an Alliance vs Horde issue. Horde, generally speaking, on average, aren’t making premades, at least on my server. One can sit in LFG during primetime, that’s about 5 layers worth of players on a weekday, and nothing is forming, nothing. So, players like you, that keep telling others to join premades, don’t know what you’re talking about, as that’s not even an option, number one, and number two, we don’t want to. So, thanks for your suggestions, but I’m going to keep give feedback until something is done about, and I suggest others to do the same.