Dailies Reset: "You're okay to do them."

I doubt it will be count as an exploit. These thing happened all the time. WQ and emissary get reset sometime. It’s not like it’s repeatable.

I would ask the QA team except they are all gone or most of them gone. :frowning:

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Did not think about it until after doing them, honestly did not even know why it was reset… Sad the way this patch is going, makes me very sad

This is what happens when they bring the servers down and do rolling restarts. Not the first time and wont be the last.

Blizzards CS tweeted out that you are clear to do them again if they reset.

If they do this they are going to ban thousands of players already, players went in in drove when the reset happens, I can see them removing the rewards, but banning the players? nah

No one getting banned for this because it’s easy enough to feign ignorance. The ban during legion was because players repeatedly ran the same world quest over and over again, knowing that it was bugged.

Rare chest exploiters deserve to be banned though. Let the tears flow LOL.

Entrapment in WoW lol.

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Blue post on the CS forum says it’s fine to redo them if they reset for you:


Everyone do them! They can’t ban us all!

I am seconding this. Likely tempting, but a really bad idea to go ahead and do the quests again, if available to you.

Ah, I missed that. If Vrak said yes, then it’s a yes.

I linked it a couple posts up, but a Blue in the CS forum says its fine to do them again if it reset.

Edit: They’ve confirmed on Twitter it is fine to do the dailies again, you won’t get banned:

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Cool, im watching my whole server do them again and its impossible to do the vale ones currently. Guess my server is going to be a ghost town for the next 24 to 72 hours, /shrug

Took me ~15 minutes to do both vale and uldum

its also your fault if you go for it knowing its not intended.

After close to 2 hours of the game being unplayable, a bit of AP and crumbs of Coalescing Visions is the least they can let us get away with.

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Nice to know Blizzard punishes people with limited playtime who can’t do their dailies earlier in the day by letting them fall even further behind those who can “double-dip” on the dailies.

was waiting for this post. I knew it was coming eventually.

Topic edited accordingly. Thank you for the clarification, Blizz’. :slight_smile: