Dahmer Dinner Party Recruiting

New guild. Old players. We would like to restart a guild and have fun playing WOW.
LFM to join us in Dragonflight and would like to raid with us. AOTC certified.

We need tanks, dps, heals. Starter guild. Come help us grow and be part of the core team.
PVP welcome. LF officer to run PVP events. Mythic + event every weekend for all who want to join. Please add SmexieLexie #1915 if interested in more information.

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Looking for a DPS / offtank, a couple healers, and a few DPS melee or ranged is fine.

What days do you guys raid?

Hey there Salem! Here is our event schedule!
Tues & Thurs, 9pm -11:30pm Server (EST)(Possible MON night raid too)
Mythic+: Sunday-Monday(We run M+ all week but Guild organized groups are Sun-Mon)
PVP & BGs: Fridays-Sat