Dagran II should be a warlock

At the moment, Dagran doesn’t have any combat ability to speak of, which is fine for now. But this is World of Warcraft, and anyone worth talking to gets into a fight eventually.

When that time comes, I propose Dagran uses warlock abilities. This has a couple of reasons.

  1. Warlocks are culturally accepted by the Dark Iron clan. This means Dagran is one of the few major characters who could be a warlock without being ostracized by his people.
  2. Dagran is shown to be endlessly curious, tying him to a class that explores forbidden secrets would be thematically appropriate.
  3. Anduin is already the bookish prince priest, even if Dagran were a shadow priest it would only make him more of an Anduin sequel.
  4. We have enough notable mages to last us until the franchise ends, even if they went out of their way to start killing one off every expansion.
  5. We need relevant warlock characters who aren’t loot piñatas. The Legion order tried but none of those characters are any more relevant than the warlock garrison followers.
  6. Being a warlock could give him a minion to bounce off of in dialogue.
  7. Now that the Legion is defeated, demonkind are left in a kind of grey area and a minion for Dagran could help clear up what exactly is happening with them without having to devote a whole expansion to it.

Moira would never approve. I know it’s accepted among the Dark Irons, or it seemed to be back when they weren’t part of the Alliance, but shady people never want their children to be as shady or even more as they were.

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I expect him to get involved in technology and be a dwarf tinker.

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Pretty sure I saw him throwing either fire bolt or lava blast(he doesnt actually cast anything but his hand is glowing) during the Dornagal intro.

So yeah, most likely he ends up as a Sorcerer Thane like his dad.


We already have plenty of notable tinkers and we don’t even have a tinker class yet.

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I think he should suck at actual combat and would be a more compelling character as a support nerd who needs muscle like the PC to do anything, but it’s a bit late for that now, meh.

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Seems like an OK enough idea. He likes to study. Perhaps he is more about shadowy spells and dark ancient curses, stuff that he learned in his studies. More of an Affliction Warlock.

Actual interaction with the Fel or Demons seems like a whole ‘nother thing. But it could come at some point.

He has the pedigree to be a priest but we have so many of those. Same with Mage. As you say, Dark Irons seem to be ok with Warlocks, and they aren’t very represented among the cast of heroes.

Or maybe a Shaman? If he ends up being Azeroth’s buddy like his grand pappy.

Nah, he’ll either be a mage or one of our narrative vehicles for Tinker class introduction.

I get your point about lack of warlock representation, but I have a really hard time picturing a warlock with Dagran’s personality.

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He also did a bit of spellwork in Moira’s short story. He’s definitely got a knack for magic like his dad.

He’s extremely bookish and an incredibly quick study. I don’t know if it would fit him to go full demons-and-fel warlock, but I could see him blurring the lines between fire mage and warlock, perhaps learning about darker magics in order to combat them and avoid his ancestors’ mistakes.


Sorta like what Anduin was supposedly gonna be before his skeleton got crushed and he came out of it stronger then ever.

I think that’s a compelling enough reason alone. Demons still exist and are a core part of Warcraft, and it’s weird to think they are small fries now with the Legion beaten. Getting any information as to what they’re up to now would be welcome.

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How you know that he is not a warlock? I mean, the dude know everything lol…

Its my main problem with Dagran II, the guy literally knows everything the story needs him to know, story needs him to be engineer? yup he is an engineer knowing everything about pipes systems, story needs him to have read Chronnicles? yup he did read Chronnicles!

That’s because WoW does such a bad job of showing warlocks as anything other than power hungry villains.

Which is another reason the class needs more representation.

I already signaled my approval… but on the point of representation…

I would think a Paladin or Hunter or Mage might say :

“Our class has a deep bench of characters to use already - giving Dagran screen time as one of our Classes would be taking potential screen time from characters we know and love.”

Warlocks don’t have that problem. It’s basically Gul’dan … and the good Orc dude, Flamescowl, in a pinch.

Our class is pretty sidelined in the narrative- a Warlock who is studying to use the Dark Arts in a more… refined way… more as an exercise of knowledge and lore… we could use that.


Exhibit F in the ongoing lesson of “Going Around Killing Cosmic Forces is a Bad Idea.”

Now every class whose relevance was tied to said Cosmic Force gets to kick rocks for 10 expansions until they finally decide to break glass and deploy The More Burninger Legion!

Nah, he should be a tinker.

I don’t know about any of that, but I do know that I have never seen a fictional character in more dire need of a wedgie in my entire life. He is the dwarf equivalent of the nerd emoji.
Dagran II —> :nerd_face:

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Man, don’t you hate scholars. It is like I’m back at middle school.


I don’t hate scholars. Khadgar and Lorewalker Cho are among my favorite characters. Dagran just gives off know-it-all vibes like that glasses kid from Polar Express.
I do ship him with the Doc Ock lady tho.

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Warriors keep winning.

No sugar daddy, no problem.