Daggerspine Horde Reconnections

UD rogue Shartattack Skeletor


Any <Rotting Bear Carcass> refugees out there?
Come be stupid and do heroics with us on Fairbanks TBC
Usually on my shammy (Nards)


  • Name - Smiz
  • Class - Druid
  • Spec - Resto
  • Guild - South of Heaven

Hello Friend

Hey Um… I’m here for the loot.


Kaelsin, was most active TBC & WotLK. She’s on Illidan now.
I’m Kaelsin on Classic server Eranikus as well.
Didn’t play TBC classic, but want to mess about in Naxx again on WotLK.

Retail I’m Alliance on Sargeras. Solanah/Calanthae/Melusyn but not too active.

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Goodness me Kaelsin! Have you seen what Aiko is up to these days? :slight_smile:


Yo I was a fury warrior named Tahinana tauren warrior. I played since 2005 and my first guild was Nomadic Yak Herders.

I ended up in One Eight Seven on a gnome later.

In real wotlk I was known as Chiron, an orc fury warrior still on dagger spine.

I was a piece of crap troll back then, and I’m still a troll but I try to be less of a piece of crap now :pleading_face:

If anyone ever had good times: would like to chat one day or something lol

People I remember playing with were: Aurix, Kranked, bigblackfury, potato, riceballs, fabtech and me trolled a lot in wotlk lol

There was of course Tomax lol what a character. Hope that dude is ok now xD

Fabtech and my duels were legend.

Chiron again here.

I’m way late to the party but:

Character - Chiuhk
Guild - KHAOS (was the paladin class officer during the first half of TBC)

I still have fond memories of the guild and @Zogg if you see this years after your post I also have Vegas pictures from the time I went (and the shirt lol)!

Hey I recognize your name! I was Toxinz a Druid back in Sacred days! I know I’m wayyyy late to the party, but I barely come onto the forums and I just so happen to stumble across this thread. Shocking I never realized this was here! God it brings back so many memories seeing all these guild names!