Daggerspine Horde Reconnections

I feel like he did that with Lionheart helm as well lolol

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BADGER BADGER BADGER how art thou?? i’m so excited my head might explode

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Still hear togs voice when he calls asking if I want to have beers at the casino on weekends.

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God I’m torn now. I don’t know if I should direct Dark Trinity to Fairbanks or Whitemane. WHY ARE WE SPLITTING DAGGERSPINE UP!?

Long time no see Zulamar. DT is doing well. Currently second on the server last I checked. Getting our raid on.


OMG i do remember that! we cleared it with 7 people alive i think? Remember the time we were on Shazzrah and we were about to wipe but a Shaman Ankh’d and killed Shazz with a Frost Shock?

Farrock add Kindred. BamJam#1766

Oh man… Doombringers. That brings back some memories.

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I remember when it took us 8 hours on a Sunday to finally kill Barron Geddon…

Oh man… Tog… I haven’t thought of that name in a long time.

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Zadie Undead Mage
Sahlina Undead Priest


I was in Archons and remember you

Zadie - Undead Mage

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agh all the names! I was in Archons also *Zadie

Good to see you guys too. I dunno if either of you have classic plans, but I’ll be playing on Whitemane with some friends.

Was hoping we’d see more War Tribe people in here. When was the last time any of you guys heard from Gangaranth, Capncookies, Tlaloc, Bloodx, or Necrox?

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Man, Kuroma and Angueuol haunt me to this day. I hope they show up too.


I was excited to see an old KHAOS member post earlier in this thread, but was sad to see like one more old member post. Where are all the KHAOS people at?

I played in KHAOS for a long time, and had a short spell in NWTR. Pooh, Tauren Warrior.


Yes! Hope all is well. This thread is so great

Oh my! Nebels! It’s Pooh!

How the hell are you?

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I miss Bolt so much. I still have my NWTR soundboard :confused:


stabface / xav here, i’m rolling alliance (whitemane PvP) but wouldn’t mind playing with you guys too! i’m also part of a guild (premonition) that is having a lot of people come back, we already have a projected raid group of ~40 but i’m 100% okay inviting anyone unless its like 20 deep og NWTR gang in which case it makes sense to create NWTR again, too. Whitemane is a cool server

I still have a ton of old screenshots from NWTR days.

Didn’t expect to see so many people here, i guess we all continue to surprise ourselves and each other, that’s cool. I’m hoping some people know how to contact or what happen to the gang like teufel, dyanis, kanai, dizzident! i loved dropping windfury for that group in pvp on my shaman alt, Windfury

<3 you all


Yo @stabface! Throw up those screenshots some so we can look through. I would love to seem them all. Have some great memories dispelling all the CC on that that windfury group and 5 capping AB in 5 mins on the ranked grind. Kapu <-- troll priest. Hope you are doing well.

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