Daggerspine Horde Reconnections

Oh crap. I remember Kaladan from Doombringers. I believe you were the Warlock class leader?

My warlock, Iceywolf, was in Doombringers for a bit. Then left for South of Heaven and Archons

Icywolf, I got some nostalgia for YOU. Dude I am having a blast going thru my photobucket. Were you in Archons with me? You must have been. Look at our enlightened interactions at the top of this screen LMAO tell me if you recognize any other names (as always remove the space after h in the url)

h ttps://imgur.com/a/zRK9WQ6

Viles/Undead Rogue

Guilds were Neophyte, Dark Trinity and, not sure but I think my rl friend got me into skeletor just before TBC

I also pvp’d a lot with my RL friend High Warlord Smokun(Tauren/warrior)
I can still remember battling against Grand Marshall Kuroma(NE/Druid)

We have a group on a spreadsheet that is running just under 40 something right now. The vast majority is from Daggerspine. We chose Whitemane for our server, if anyone wants to join or link up my btag is Cameron#13664. My toon again was Thuroxxar in vanilla and my brother was Gambosak, we pvp’d together and i raided with doombringers and Gambos guilds at various points! If you recognize me or don’t but want a grup to join add me up! Also if youre Csy hit me so i can ask how your brother is doing!

Someone took my Neuth name right @ 3:00 :frowning: :frowning: Playing as Azuth on Fairbanks - Horde pvp. Any old nwtr toss me a pm!

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Kapu so good to see you. I might try to connect with Morticos’s crew. Otherwise I hope to see you around!

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Kilj was teh guy who rang ranged the dong at AQ openig.

It was not Kilj. It was Mogalin. Keirathi is correct.

Necro, good to see you man.

I’ve played with both of you.

My new toons will be on Whitemane. Hit me up. I don’t have time to MT or raid lead anymore, but I’d happily group for whatever.

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Sweet, Throw me your btag or add mine. Would be awesome to have you play with the crew when you can!

Yeah, it was Kilj who rang the dong tho. :rofl:

The horde of paragon is going to be rolling on whitemane! We have around 20 people give or take.


Hello all, Sepe, Resto Drood, ran with The Heartless, Regulators and the homies, Foidvo and Alladan. Are you going to be around ! ?

Keirathi good to see you man. Oh my such memories from those screenies. It gives me a “warm and fuzzy feeling, no seriously . . . .”

Yes Mogalin was the name, bam, thank you.

Hope you’re well too and maybe to see you around.

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Happy to see that name!
heads up, that’s the 4chan server :-1::-1:


Hi 2 u!

<3 Lap

Where is the rest of SoH crew?
Gersey most importantly! And his cousin the rogue, which i cannot think of his name anymore :frowning:

Mestophicles wru??

May need to go up into the attic and grab my old PC HDD for the most epic of screenshots


Hey, you and your wife were part of sacred for awhile too right? I was the rogue office their for TBC Jaffar, definitely playing Classic would be great to see some other legends from DS


I remember seeing you around for sure!

Does anyone have any contact with a Druid that used to be in UC/FTK/Grim named Narayan. Paying 100000000g for info on his whereabouts lol.


That brings back sooooo many memories! I need to double check if I have any of my old WoW screenshots but I think I don’t have them anymore.

Thats totally me though! Archons was the guild I spend the most time (Doombringers second).

Vyce was an ex High Warlord Shadow Priest and the dude whos name I semi-stole. Miss talking smack to him. Any idea if he is playing?

I semi remember Judiss, I believe he was also a Warlock.

If memory serves correctly that screenshot is from TBC after Archons ended up becoming Misery, as I think Lilywraith wasn’t in Archons but from the merger.

Do you remember what was the Druid name who was one of our tanks in TBC? Name started with a C

I want to see more Archons people here! Which server you planning to roll on?