Daggerspine Alliance Reconnections

Name: Brahnn
Race: Dwarf
Class: Paladin
Guild: TDA


this is casey?!?!?!

Yes, your name is familiar! I also ran a pally named Hoez through Cata, when someone decided Circle Jerks was too offensive lol. I’m still in contact with Chris (Also went by Swampdonk- Shaman), we are trying to get Quaur to come back as well! haha.

i dont think mike or peter will be playing. i do want them to play but i doubt it. mak on the other hand if you hype train and peer pressure him it could work, he doesnt really play many games lately… but if enough ppl come back you could convince him.

Lords of Hegemony, that was the name of my first guild, for the life of me I couldn’t remember it. I was Peghane, human warlock.

Bunch of toons, but the most prominent were:

Responce - Gnome Warlock
Logos - Human Paladin (holy)
Animagi / Animagus - Night Elf Druid (feral)

Eternal, Impulse, Verocity
Dead Rabbits, United Defense

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Shawg, From HOLY WAR Star Wars Galaxies and Daggerspine Playing on Fairbanks

I remember meeting you in the cantina. I was -playa-

I played Mage Juliosanchez, everyone just called me Brock.

Where are my friends?

OMG!! Dude do you remember when advanceandrew-advanceandrew got the lizard lick at Dathomir.

Name: Knotts
Race: Dwarf
Class: Paladin
Guild: TDA, Tiny Terrors

I remember soo many of you!!!


Yooo Aether. Come join us on Fairbanks, Alliance. Quite a few of the old Impulse crew coming back :slight_smile:

Ohhh I remember this guy. Is anyone playing again?

Name: Remixx
Race: Nightelf
Class: Hunter
Guild: Holy War HW

Anyone playing again!?

Name: Moobu
Race: Tauren
Class: Warrior
Guild: Dark Trinity with minor stints in KHAOS and Grim
Role: Main Tank

I feel like I remember getting into some pretty epic EPL pvp with you Scotthew. I loved throwing down with you guys back in the day. I really miss seeing B L A C K W A T C H around as a KoS guild. Really miss the old rivalries with Holy War and Crimson Dragoons. Things got INSANE fighting over the most mundane objectives and having both sides calling in reinforcements all because someone got ganked.

@lap Hello! :slight_smile: /wave

yea trying to figure out , paging ZACK, where u AT BRO

YEAH ZACK!?! Where is you?

Hey, I remember you Rexxi. I’ll def be giving classic a whirl, leaning towards healing pally atm

I forgot what my name was back in Classic
I think Darkpunisher or something like that
Raided with Holy War HW got C’Thun Server First
Until we reformed to just HolyWar.
Hit us up on those 40vs40 AV HW vs NWTR sup

PS is Sazbot still around ?


Name: Zocoe
Race: Night Elf
Class: Rogue
Guild: Guildless, United Defense, Riders of the Short Bus
Role: BackStabby

I was often times classified as an Alt of my buddy Plank since I would play zocoe while he was at work or school