Daggers to fists/pretty much anything

Since the devs are being nice these days, I’ll ask for pretty much my only request once again. Can us rogues, please get another option besides daggers. There are so many fist weapons that look great in a thrusting motion for mutilate. Let us use them, just visually. I have no problem with only equipping daggers as assassination or sub, but please, for the love of all things holy, let me change what they look like.

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Agreed. Currently using a dagger on my resto sham and feels silly I cannot transmog it into an axe or mace.

With so many transmog restrictions lifted, you should be able to transmog into any 1h weapon that is useable by the spec.


Fist weapons make the most sense as an alternative for daggers since they look like claws much of the time. I support this idea.

I’d also like this change to be made. It feels like a bug that I can’t mog my dagger into other single-handed weapons. When I play with my warrior’s transmogs, the 2H weapons can be changed into any other 2H weapon, including staves! Lift this restriction please!