With Chromie Time you are able to level through just about any content in the expansion you choose, including formerly max level content like the Dominance Offensive.
Shortly into that though, you need to complete a scenario to progress it.
The Dagger in the Dark scenario, specifically.
I can not queue for it though, as it just returns a generic error:
“You do not meet the requirements for the chosen dungeons.”
Does anyone know how to circumvent this issue?
Or does anyone have any inkling what the “requirements” might be?
I’m not sure what the requirements are in Chromie Time, although it was only available at max level back in the day, so it wouldn’t surprise me if it required level 35. Of course, scenario queues could also just be broken for Chromie Time.
However, it doesn’t actually block the progress of the Dominance Offensive story. (Or at least it didn’t used to block it — I haven’t done it since 9.0.) Once you get your rep to the next story point, you’ll be able to do it even without doing the scenario.
Oh really?
Interesting, I assumed this was just part one and it would be needed to do part 2.
Thanks for the heads up!
As for the requirements, ya it doesn’t seem to be related to level.
I am 42 already haha
I just ran into this issue actually unfortunately it still persists in 2023
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