Daelin Proudmoore did nothing wrong

What a liar, the only druid that has ever tried to actively change the environment was Naralex, most of the elves were quite content to just to just live in Ashenvale.

And in Naralex’s case, it was in the misguided attempt to turn the Barrens back to what it was, an actual triving forest/jungle.

So are we just ignoring his followers too?

Fine, Naralex and his druids, which INLCUDED TAURENS.

Indoctrinated into night elven belief.

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The Cenerion Circle has had a strange relationship with the environment. The circle took on a lot of Ordered Dragon philosophy when they became the assistants of the Emerald flight. Ergo, most Duridic philosophy is “keep the environment as the Titans shaped it” rather than allowing nature to collapse and re-balance with a new normal as it should.

I’ve always wished we could see internal schisms over if old biomes or new ones deserve precedence.


In Zerde’s head.

oh cool so the Dwarves strip mining and Gnomes blighting the land means the night elves hate nature using that same “logic”

Even goblins don’t damage the land so bad the very land itself rises up to murder them


Just nature itself/its represntatives like the Son of Cenarius/Dryads etc.

Dwarves, sure they probably have mined in places they shouldn’t. Having said that they arent doing it in night elf lands so the night elves dont care.

As for the gnomes, they didnt “blight” it. Or more precisely they were tricked. It wasnt suppose to be a deadly toxin that was going to last for years, it was suppose to be a way to clear the trogg and then disipitate.

Who tricked them Zerde? Was it some nefarious hordie or something?

Pretty much, as long as their little tended gardens are left alone who cares.

I assume you were talking about Gnomeregan because I dont recall then going out and actively blighting places. So that would be Sicco.

My point exactly. Unlike Treng early insinuation, the night elves are not out to turn all of azeroth into some decidious forest.

His name was always so poetic, it definitely takes a sick mind to decide to irradiate your people so you can rule over the ruins of your homeland and the crazed unfortunates who didn’t make it out in time.

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And he’s a gnome, so gnomes did blight it.

Anymore at least, since all those world trees worked out for them

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Honestly debatable; almost all of them in some way have either gotten corrupted or destroyed. Nordrassil and Bel’ameth (narrowly) were the exceptions.

Unless said land is infected with Old God blood.

‘points to Dark Heart of Pandaria scenario’

This looks like a job for a zone revamp.

Uh, actually, in Chronicle they did exactly that to the Barrens.

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I have concluded Metzen once had a bad experience in the Mojave because he has never written a natural good desert into WoW. They are always because something terrible and unnatural happened to a much greener place.


He’s a dnd player.
Look up the Inevitables of Desert.


Are you still talking about Naralex? I would also point out the Taurens have tried their hand at terraforming usually with disaterous results.

Lions are most carnivores, for then eating meat is natural.

Tauren can sustain themselves on just grass, so why they need to hunt? Why can’t they start farming like Humans do?

Tauren are against nature because they don’t need to eat meat, they do it for sport. Were they more respectful of nature, they’d take up farming like the Humans do. :slight_smile:

Tauren actually do eat meat