Yeah, I am not sure about tanks and healers.
It depends what your tank is trying to do. For example I could see the stamina + thorns being an absolutely wrecking ball for content you overgear
I thought if you’re after dps as a tank, it should be better? Procs tend to have higher value as tanks and healers.
Personally, I think this ring is Xal’atath’s toe ring. It got knocked off when Alleria punched her. Still trying to figure out how it made it to the Isle, but I’m sure there’s a rational explanation for it. Ewww, we are coveting a toe ring from an undead Night Elf. And just how mangy would it have been since she walks around bare foot. Imagine the toe jam build up, because I mean, she’s undead, so really, what’s hygiene when it’s at home?