Cyrce's Circlet - how's it working for you now?

There was a lot of talk about how the Ring was useless to higher ilvl’d people when it first came out? Well, it’s been a few weeks, and I wonder if any of those complainers have kept improving it, and how it’s doing now?

For someone not at max ilvl, it’s becoming noticeably more powerful, and even one of my best damage doers.

It is great. Originally we just didn’t have access to the better gems which was why it was simming so poorly. We had a healing gem and some other things, so obviously it wouldn’t sim well as a dps ring. Now that we have everything, it’s solid.

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Notice the silence.

Ring is op since they removed the timegating from gaining gems and the ilvl is steadily going up.

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I mean they solved the complaints, so why would people continue to complain?

The ring sucked when it launched, they made it no longer suck. It’ll be everyones BiS until Heroic or Mythic rings next patch.

Are you new here? :slight_smile:

I mean, the believers told them to wait, and it would get better. And, lo, it has. I just want a chance to say “I told you so.”

I mean to be fair, the ring didn’t get better because time passed. It got better because Blizzard hotfixed buffed it.

I use that Stamina gem on my Brewmaster. Smooth sailin.

Things that can be improved:

  • all my healing and dps characters use the exact same gem set up: stormbringer’s, fathomdweller’s, legendary skipper’s.
  • I was playing many, multiple alts. I got the ring on about 7 or 8 of them. This week I upgraded just 1 and that’s only because I raided on that character. I will try and upgrade maybe 2 others.
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I don’t use that Skipper one on my R Druid. I’d rather have the haste.

It’s doing better because it was bad before and it’s good now.

On Mythic Queen Ansurek prog this week it was 12% of my damage. I’m ilvl 636.