As always thank you. Truly appreciate you taking your time to be here!
On the plus side I did 550k as holy on arakara 10 today! Surprisingly only 10% of it was from the rings.
That’s pretty good.
I have to retort it was 511 I have bad memory, (11x5 =55 so it wasn’t totally random, I mixed it up in my head). But was still proud of it.
At 636 item level a crafted ring’s secondaries will contribute approximately 10.05% to your healing. I think that’s what it was anyway. Maybe it was 14%, I dunno. Point is that I think a straight stat gem is just as good if not better at this point (because you have more control over where that extra healing goes).
Love the idea of using it for my healing Shadow Priest in Normal raid though!
I was talking about dps, but 10-14% of healing sounds substantial.
It depends. Mastery has no dps value at all and it’s rare that the roadblock for healers is their actual throughput. You’ll definitely see some experimentation at high end in the first two slots, but skippers is hard locked for the 3rd.
Oh, I flubbed. I meant to say straight stat ring, not straight stat gem. I currently prefer my crafted Crit Mastery ring as Holy Priest and I have a feeling it might be that way even after this new ring is at max level.
This is incorrect thanks to the frankly absurd strength of the skippers gem in group content due to the interaction outlined above.
I tried Thunderlord + Fathomdweller + Skipper’s on Disc.
Thunderlord climbs up to almost 9% of my overall and the procs from the Skipper make up about another 2%. Healing proc’s were only 1%.
It’s hard to tell what’s the uptime on the Skipper triggering secondary stats.
1/11 per each individual proc. 15 sec duration per proc, and 4+ haste procs per minute.
You can times the thunderlord proc uptime by 5 to account for the 4 other people also proccing it for you.
Works out to about 12% mastery proc uptime, 12% high stat proc uptime, and 45% all stats uptime. Plus the extra random stuff from when skippers rolls damage / healing.
It’s def not worth running Roaring + Fathom + Skipper unless the whole group is. Running it solo its 2-3% dps/hps.
It’s not really worth running roaring at all, what makes skippers good is roaring’s proc rate as a gem is horrifically low, yet all the gems with skippers have identical proc rates so it’s just 4x stronger than all the rest of them when you get it.
You also don’t want to be using roaring so you get to benefit from other people’s skippers roaring procs triggering your own thunder gem.
I’ve been testing other gems and the Storm Sewer’s Gem must have been buffed or something because it’s 4-5% of my overall healing in raid. I even ran it on my tank and it’s an extra 60-80 million in absorbs in keys. That’s way better then 700 secondary stats imho.
Old Salt’s Bardic Citrine has done up to 10% of my healing and is always over 6%.
The thing about old salt is more healing isn’t necessarily needed and skippers is more damage for your dps.
There’s a new meta going on now where people run whole raid groups with no healers and just have everyone use all healing gems.
Yeah it’s… Something xD
More healing is usually needed when pugging heroic raids. If it is a guild run where everyone is on the same page, then sure, sacrifice the extra healing.