Cypher of the First ones

Anyone any input on the System? Any order of how we should be unlocking these abilities? Or is it just preference?

Wowhead has a beginning order. Basically do the top left, the one next to it, and the next one down in the first column. After that I think it’s the third one on the top row.

I have most of the talents in the far left, first column and I picked them at random. I don’t think there’s any particular order you HAVE to unlock them, just whatever you prefer. And I guess the rest of the columns will unlock over time? From quests? I have the second column unlocked.

It unlocks as you farm the cyphers and go learn/research the next table. There’s no hard timegate on them except for the longer research times the further you go right.

Thank you. I found a “guide” on Icy veins that gives some advice on order on how to proceed. It gives the fastest most efficient way according them to gather resources and learn the talens.

Does anyone know what we do with the Cyphers of the First Ones once all the research is complete. I have almost 3000 but not sure where I can spend them when there is nothing left to research…

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Exactly my thoughts rn, can I safely finally buy the Poco pet?
Or will we need these in the near future?

Spend them, they’re more likely to come up with a new currency than to allow players to stockpile the current one lol.

If you complete the quest chain to make Olea Manu available you can buy the item that increases Cypher acquisition by 50% for your alts, as well as a few other items of interest. I don’t know whether they’ll be useful for anything else in the future.


It also increases the acquisition for yourself, so it’s worth buying and using it as soon as the vendor becomes available.

I found the takeover ones pretty useless most of the time, the best ones are the buffs as you can have up to 5 active buffs for 1 hour. The well of the first ones gives buff 6 and the gemslot gives you a permanent buff 7. First thing I do each day is conjure up 8 gems and pick the 5 that work best, I have the 5% leech socketed.