Cyclone needs a CD

If hex has a cd then cyclone needs a cd


It doesn’t, but they could maybe stand to knock a second off the duration.


Or make it 3 sec like stormbolt is

Bolt is fine, it’s intim/asphyx that feel scuffo.

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aren’t all 3 of these 3 seconds

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I just think it should be regarded as magic so that it can be dispelled.

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Do you ever not complain?

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Your posting can use a CD


Ye, but bolt is shorter cd.

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Youve been hexed


I always thought spammable CC on a charge system might be something to experiment with. Rather than just nerfing everything into the ground. So you still get the big plays where you cyclone a kill target at low HP and then cyclone healer off that, but you aren’t just spamming it all game.

They should make it a magic dispel like all of the other spamable hard casted CC.