Cycle of hatred not reseting eyebeam cooldown

With the patch on 12/17/2024, Cycle of hatred is not working as intended I’m spaming chaos strike and Death Sweep and they are NOT making eye beam cooldown shorter. Pleaes fix today


that is a pretty serious bug that nerfs havoc pretty hard. Hope this gets fixed ASAP


Bumping thread

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Bump , doesnt work at all , bricks my preferred playstyle :frowning:

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Is there a play style that doesn’t use CoH?

Yes? The best raid build and M+ build for Havoc don’t use CoH…

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No short eye beam cds? PVE is the worst.

It really is. That’s always been one of my favorite talents because of how much I’ve loved Eye Beam since release, but no one can seriously take it due to how we have to lineup all of our buffs perfectly every 40s in PVE.

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Come to the dark side and do pvp. We can use movement for movement’s sake. Cast eyebeam off CD ( short cd). And do things like fly up in the air and rain helfire down on our foes.

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Yes, all the non-inting ones.

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Ya, I don’t use that talent for PvE. I tried simming it, dropping one talent and taking it instead in my single target build, and it was a massive drop in overall damage.


  • Havoc

    • New Talent: Screaming Brutality – Blade Dance automatically triggers Throw Glaive on your primary target for 100% damage and each slash has a 50% chance to Throw Glaive an enemy for 35% damage.

    • Momentum renamed Exergy and has been updated – The Hunt and Vengeful retreat increase your damage by 5% for 20 seconds.

    • Inertia has been updated – The Hunt and Vengeful retreat cause your next Fel Rush or Felblade to empower you, increasing damage by 18% for 5 seconds.

    • Unbound Chaos has been updated – The Hunt and Vengeful Retreat cause your next Fel Rush or Felblade to deal 500% increased damage.

    *** Cycle of Hatred has been redesigned – Eye Beam reduces the cooldown of your next Eye Beam by 2.5/5 seconds, stacking up to 10/20 seconds.**

    • Exergy and Inertia choice node has swapped locations with Unbound Chaos.

    • Any Means Necessary has been removed.

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Well, there we go. This is gonna be fun.

Its gonna be something…