Cyberpunk 2077 for PS5 or XS

Debating wich next gen to get it on?

I’ll be playing it on my PC with the 3080 and Ray Tracing, but I don’t know about consoles. I’d say PS5 is a better console because it will likely have more exclusives that you can’t just get on PC.

If you have both consoles, I think the Xbox Series X is more powerful hardware, but I don’t know if that translates into actual gameplay performance.

First choice - PC
Second Choice - whichever controller feels better to you…although don’t both PlayStation and Xbox controllers work on the PC? :wink:

FYI, Gratz on 60 Sal!



I’m presently basking in the Night Fae mobility glory.

It also feels great flying into Ardenweld - like going to Disneyland every day!

PC. :desktop_computer:

Doesn’t Consoles have like a switch where if you turn on Ray Tracing, it drops to 30fps or something?

I’d say it depends on what level of PC hardware you have.

A console might offer a better experience, especially the newer generations, if it’s (your PC, that is) not the newest.

Not sure, tbh. I only have Playstation 4 Slim and Xbox One S - not getting it on either of those.

Not to sound haughty here, but what do you mean by might offer a better experience here? :thinking:

I thought the better experience was on PC, not only you’re allowed to upgrade as you please to get both of graphical power and performance, but you get free online, can play with any peripheral as you please, edit files, adjust settings to your liking and get more games from backwards compatibly from the 80’s to emulating console games (and other OS’s like Mac and Linux and vice versa) to playing more genres like strategy games and simulator games and such.

I will say this, as much i dislike the idea of exclusives and it being the sole reason to get something (i mean spending $400 for just 2 or 5 games is not really a great use of the money in my opinion), the Playstation does have great exclusives, despite lacking the power that the Xbox has. Though being fair here, Playstation was never a great performer, and that’s coming from the fact their first console wasn’t even 64 bit when compared to N64 at the time. And the PS2’s raw power was beat by the Xbox Org and Gamecube. Though it was topselling for a variety of reasons, if not the exclusives or the games, but how it’s also a cheaper dvd player.

Though back to current gen’s specs, i’m not sure if the Xbox Series X is more powerful then the PS5, despite looking at the specs there and despite telling me that Xbox has better specs then the PS5, which kinda tells me that the games on the Xbox aren’t using Xbox to it’s fullest potential here if the performance or such are slightly better, equal or worse then PS5. Unless were talking about first party games which they will take advantage of it for sure, like Halo for instance.

Side note: It is so weird seeing PS5’s CPU has the same clock speed as the AMD FX 3600. A CPU from 2012.

Because if you are playing on a potato PC, PS5 will be better. Which is what I said in the comment specifically.

That’s all really there is to it. A locked 30fps that will work for sure is a better experience than a 15-20fps stuttery mess that isn’t guaranteed to work correctly.

Plainly talking about performance here, sure. The PS5 is better in that retrospect at first glance. I say first glance because a potato PC always process the ability to upgrade itself, i.e, buying upgrades for it. While the PS5’s Hardware always stays the same.

Again, in a pure performance standpoint, sure. But again, the user has the option to turn settings down on a PC or upgrade it, where they can get higher framerates then 30.

Also, i thought the Ps5 is a 60fps machine (without ray tracing mode enabled)? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

  1. Did you ever play Nier Automata? There’s an NPC there that refuses to replace a broken robot leg. Their reasoning is, at what point of replacing limbs and parts does one cease to be the original being, and a whole new one?

My point is a potato PC from 2012 can’t be upgraded that much. Eventually you’ve replaced so much, it’s not really the same PC anymore.

  1. You can only do so much with hardware on a PC - no matter what you do to an FX-6300 and a GTX 1060, it’s not going to perform as well or offer the same performance or visual experience as the PS5.

Don’t get me wrong - as stated above I’ll be playing the game with an RTX 3080, a 5ghz 8700k, and Ray Tracing enabled at 1440p and hopefully at least over 100fps.

But I would tell someone who is scraping the bottom barrel of the minimum system requirements, but also has a PS5, to consider the PS5 version.

I’m not telling people to go buy a PS5 just to play CP2077, either. It’s just if you have the choice, you use the better tool for the job.

Also, PS5 is interchangeable with Xbox SX. Whatever you got, is what I mean.

I think maybe I was not clear with my original intent.

I didn’t say go get a PS5 to play CP2077 - I said depending on what systems you have will determine what to get it on.

My point was if you have:

i5-2500 w/GTX 1050 ti
PS5/Xbox SX

Get it for PS5/Xbox SX.

If you have a better PC, by all means, get it on PC.

Never was it meant to be a “this is why you should buy this console.”

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…So basicly, if it’s not broken, don’t fix it, and if it is broken, unless something is better, it can’t be replaced until then? :thinking:

Maybe your referring to the fact that their is limits on tech when it comes to upgrading something old. Like if you have a motherboard that only supports 16 gb of ram and you have that, you can’t upgrade any further then that.

My PC is rocking a motherboard from 2012 with an AMD FX 3600 along with 16 gbs of ram and GTX 950 (got the GTX 1060 in 2019) I bought all that back in 2016. It plays games well enough, even a few from recently pretty decently on 1080 60fps, like The Destroy all Humans remake, Far Cry 5, Spyro, Doom (2016), Ark Survival Evolved, and Planet coaster. Granted some of these titles here aren’t too demanding here, but overall, it got the Job done. I only consider it a potato because it has a very outdated motherboard which limits my upgrading. Meaning i can’t just plop a Ryzen 7 3800 XT in there and be good to go.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: …Not really sure what’s the downside is here or what point your trying to make here.

Sure, from a performance standpoint, but as i said before, the PC’s always process the ability to upgrade. While i can’t upgrade my CPU, the ability to upgrade my GPU isn’t limited. Amazingly enough, if i really want to, i can get a 3070, and stick it in my computer. Will it perform just as well? Maybe, or maybe not. But i will still have all the other advantages i’ve listed out when i do just that.

Well they can also start with a mid tier PC around $500 to $600 and go off from there, not because they will get better performance and graphics on then on the console (though it’s a nice bonus), but they will have access to more games, more peripherals, they can adjust settings and edit files (mods), free online and so on. As well having different sets for whatever budget suits your fancy.

And sorry if i keep on treating performance/graphical power as if it’s a minor thing, it is a major thing, but i feel like a lot of people think that’s the only reason to go to PC and because of that, they don’t see it as worth the price without considering the other advantages it has.

Personally speaking, i once considered buying a console (Xbox 1) for just two games, but i hold off on that because i know the two games were coming to PC anyways and i can play them with not only higher framerates, but with a mouse/keyboard, mods… all that.

And that’s fine. Preferences are fine.

If you want to get CP2077 on the Ps5, then you should be allowed to make that choice. Same goes with Xbox Series X, or the PC version. Really with any game, you can make the choice to play it on whatever system you may prefer.

Everyones saying the Xbox has superior hardware to the ps5.

Performance preview for PC is out.

Very demanding game.

Looks like by dropping down from ultra to just high, I should be able to get a 1440p/60fps+ Ray Tracing experience with DLSS.

Hopefully it’s worth the performance hit.

But further reinforces my opinion that unless you have a fairly powerful modern pc, new generation consoles are the right choice to buy the game for, assuming you have one.

Yeah, quad core CPU like 7700K bottlenecking as well. Drivers will improve the performance.

I gonna wait for them to fix the bugs before buying it on PC. I’m too busy with WoW anyway.

I hope I don’t have any significant bottlenecking on my 8700k.

Doesn’t seem as likely since it’s 50% increase in resources over the 7700k, and also with RTX/DLSS it probably shifts enough load to the GPU anyway.

RTX performance hit is expected. Lots of things going on with the game. I would imagine needing at least 6 core to run it well.

On the subject of PC vs. console, obviously the PC has more potential looking forward, but the consoles provide a package that’s overall more balanced than what you’ll find in a huge number of PCs out there.

For instance the storage on both PS5 and XSX absolutely destroys SATA SSDs, which are probably still the most common form of SSD in use. You can of course upgrade to an NVMe SSD with similar performance characteristics, but it’s not going to be cheap, and in order to have the storage-GPU integration found on the PS5 and XBX you’re going to need one of the latest RTX 30XX or RX 60XX cards, which are expensive to begin with and almost impossible to get ahold of thanks to scalper scum.

So yes, while the PC is upgradeable and only gets better with time, it’ll be a while before PCs priced similarly to the PS5 and XSX are anywhere near as balanced as either — right now, the $500 a PS5 disc edition costs will get you an entry level PC build at best if building new or just a midrange current gen GPU if upgrading (which leaves other parts of your system out of the picture).

Right now, to build a system that equals or trounces either console across the board you’re looking at $1k minimum, probably a bit more, given that you’re not doing something stupid like buying a bottom-of-the-barrel PSU. If one can afford that, building is probably the best option, but either of the consoles can make sense for those looking to minimize spending on hardware.