Cute gnome with four suggestions

Hello! I hope you’re having a nice day. I have four things that could make me happier! And my happiness is quite adorable since, as you can see, I am a gnome.

  1. Remove conduit energy
  2. Allow people to get soul ash as many times as they want per week, no more weekly lockout, same prices
  3. Anima rewards from Torghast
  4. Modify the “Return Lost Souls” quest to make the reward increase but not the quest requirements.

Thank you for your time.


-gives the cute gnome hugs-

Cosmetic and anima rewards would make thorgast worth it for me.


It’s true, he’s a very cute gnome. And I support you because I adore you. :blue_heart:


I see the four suggestions, but I was promised a cute gnome as well

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  1. Remove conduit energy-- this would be good
  2. Allow people to get soul ash as many times as they want per week, no more weekly lockout, same prices=== I would suggest higher floor more ash and a decrease every run till 0 about 10-20
  3. Anima rewards from Torghast higher floor better anima

Missed opportunity to list gnome druids with a cute cat form here.




here you go gnome druids lol


Nice improvement there.

@mythosaur. Watching

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i hate all that is Cute

I genuinely enjoyed that, thanks

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Watched the full video. Nice video. makes me wonder how that video would go for a gnome trying to be a demon hunter.

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did not make the video but check the content makers out
they make great videos

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Good thinking! Cute gnome with fifth suggestion: Gnome Druids!!!

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