<Cute Depressed eGirls> (AOTC/M+) is recruiting!

Hello everyone, we’re Cute Depressed eGirls on Area 52. Most of our roster are former mythic raiders who no longer have an interest in pushing past AOTC, with most doing keys in their spare time. We attained AOTC every tier in Dragonflight and want to continue doing that in The War Within.

Our raid times are Tues/Thurs 8:30 – 10:30PM EST.

We are currently in need of a Havoc DH to round out our roster.

Please reach out to Dedricus#1280 (battlenet) or @Dedricus (discord) if you’re interested!

come be cute and/or depressed

To the top!

:partying_face: TWW time is here come join

Be there or be square

If you decide you want another druid send me a message i’m looking for a guild like y’all

message on discord “._.todd”