Customize Health Bars


I’m trying to find a addon that works within Blizzard’s default mouseover casting. It’s what I use for healing and I find that it works for me. I am trying to stay away from ElvUi because while the frames in itself do look nice it’s a pain that every UI I find within ElvUI I need to download 5 other addons and then I never know what to do when a problem occurs.

So looking for something that I can use other than Blizzard’s default frames but won’t come up with any lua errors while using default mouseover casting without having to download Clique and such.

All unit frame addons are compatible with the built-in mouseover/click casting.

ElvUI, Grid, Z-Perl, Shadowed Unit Frames, Pitbull Unitframes, etc.

If you’re just looking to enhance the Blizz frames, take a look at the BigDebuffs addon (the name doesn’t really reflect it’s functionality).

Information about your current setup and what features you feel you’re missing from it would help with recommendations.

FWIW you can find ElvUI profiles on to import that don’t require additional addons.

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