Before I get into this thread, please note, this isn’t a customization request thread. If you wish to request for customizations, feel free to post in the other threads appropriate to request for them.
I am finding it very disappointing with the customizations that there is still choices limited, and then some of the choices are locked to certain options too. Customizations were added to help us express our characters more, but where is the expression when some of the races have very limited options, some have options only locked to other options, as well as one which only received copy-paste, while others haven’t received anything at all. Take Blood Elves for an example, limited, and locked to certain options, such as jewellery being only locked to females, and very limited options to the Male Blood Elves. Or Void Elves only receiving copy and paste options, but haven’t receive anything really new at all. Or Humans how certain skin tones are locked to face options too.
Yes, we have received some options to help customize our characters, but it still feels extremely lacking, and disappointing. And then you still have the Zandalari Trolls, Mag’har Orcs, Vulpera, Kul Tiran Humans, Mechagnomes, and Dark Iron Dwarves who have received nothing yet. Yes, some things do take time, I do understand that, but some things also does feel rushed, and some things do feel lacking.
Please feel free to post here to express how you feel about some of the customizations, and please be civil about it.
They may have done these in phases and didn’t entirely communicate what was going to be on what. Some getting finalized early on leaving them disjointed from the rest. Human faces and scars is sort of silly… Though this is just speculation.
But really thought they’d be changing “tendrils” to more hair o-o;
The only two things that frustrate me about the recent passes are that Lightforged feel like they just didn’t get very much, and the one common request I saw pretty much everywhere - darker skin colours - not only didn’t happen, but absolutely none of their feedback was even acknowledged. Yet, Nightborne kept getting showered with additional options, one of which was a fix for a “bug” that the parent race - night elves - have been asking for since Vanilla. (Not having facial deforming “snarls” that aren’t even snarls, just… half the lip twisted into a shape that isn’t even close to natural.)
It’s understand that yes, things do take time, but would adding a couple more skin colours to LFD - which don’t have nearly as many options as Nightborne now - have taken that much time? Would porting the rig fix Nightborne men had over to the Night Elf men also taken that long too? It’s just frustrating.
Both these things can be fixed at a later time, but no communication on them just sucks.
Also, just in general, I’m still annoyed that human males are only steroid laden meat sacks.
I want to look like an average adult human man. Not a 50 year old body builder.
I don’t see any of the races, either gender, having ‘very limited options’ and feel there are plenty for a player to use to express their character.
You want to see limited, take an gander at Classic. And before you say that was seventeen years ago, it still serves as a fair baseline to show we have come a long way, baby!
I am confused about the choice to lock certain skin tones to certain facial options for humans. Wouldn’t that have required extra coding?
But the reality is human have an embarrassment of options so there is no reason this can’t wait to be fixed.
The people who plan to use Void Elves to role-play as High Elves begged specifically for those copy-and-paste options and want more copy-and-paste options.
Personally, I think Void Elves should have gotten voidy options but I want real High Elves, not pretend ones, so I have a different agenda.
None of the Allied races were suppose to get anything so I think it would be more appropriate to be grateful that any of them received anything.
And they haven’t even been available to play for very long so it is going to be a long road to catch up with the core races.
I am not looking a gift horse in the mouth.
After all, we weren’t suppose to get any more customizations and likely the only reason we did was because Blizzard has some legal and company issues they are busy sorting out and needed extras to fill out the patch. I just hope it doesn’t mean this will be an end to it for a long while because I am still waiting to get my dwarf priestess’s flaxen hair back.
To be honest, I feel like a lot of races on both sides didn’t get balanced or equal customizations. Some races may appear to have a lot of options because the amount of possible combinations are drastically increased by each additional category.
Quality matters more than quantity and quite frankly, the races that got the most new options didn’t get the best quality. People like to point fingers and say Blood Elves have a lot and got a lot of new options but they didn’t really. Sure they got blue eyes and a butt ton of (ugly, gaudy imo) jewelry in two colors, but they didn’t get anything that added to other visual and racial themes. Jewelry as customization has a couple of big drawbacks, even more so when it is the bulk of the new options received.
If you care about how your character looks, you’re going to have design your transmog around the jewelry’s limited color schemes. Some jewelry is even hidden by armor. LFD and Blood Elves got a lot of jewelry as the bulk of their new customizations. It’s not impactful. Then there is the odd lock that they put on certain options and the fact that only some races get the categories every race should have. Every race should have scars, tattoos/warpaint, jewelry (not as the bulk and for both sexes), facial hair, makeup and face shape or scars, tattoos/warpaint, facial hair, jewelly and makeup at the least.
I am glad for more customization, but believe that more should be added at every possible (within reason) interval. WoW is far behind virtually every single MMO in customization.
Honestly think it’s a position of we were lucky to even get this. Highmountain could stand to be expanded more too, since they’re still at about half of what regular tauren have (though they can accessorize more now). But I’m honestly just happy we got something for my moos at all.
Pretty much this 100%. Perfect World International (CH-2005, NA-2008) and City of Heroes/Villains (NA-2004) already had more customization fresh out the gate with their body sliders, both from WoW’s generation. They were regarded as MMOs with the best customization up until Blade and Soul (KR-2012, NA-2016).
Speaking of BnS, that and BDO are the only two I’ve played that have customization deep enough to let players change the color and style of the iris, pupil, and sclera. So the eyes can be inverted, elliptical, and heterochromatic simultaneously.
My opinion of the addition of glasses that were added over the summer:
Going by PWI and CoH/CoV, the tech was always there when WoW was released, it just wasn’t utilized or just had no interest at all.
I am dissapointed that they didn’t add hairglows to nightborne, nor add any night elf hair colors to them, like void elves go all the blood elf skin tones and many of their hair color. I do like the customization, I just wanted some stuff we didn’t get. I am dissapointed by some requests like the dranei black skin not being included. But it is still an overall improvement, some of the stuff we did get was nice. We didn’t get the cool legion outline for the glowing hands either which was dissapointing. All stuff they can add down the line hopefully. I hope blizzard doesn’t consider themselves “done” with customizaton on any race, I hope that they aim to provide all the races with stuff overtime and not be considered done ever as it doesn’t need to be much but more is always welcome.