[Customization] One-Handed Weapon Sheathing Position Options

I don’t think I’d be lying by saying the topic isn’t a new one in the community, but one of December’s Trading Post items really highlighted how noticeable the issue can be:

There are a lot of one handed weapons such as the Candied Blade that look far too big to be attached to the hip, but rather than going back and adjusting them, I believe a far better solution would be to finally allow players to decide where to sheathe these weapons. The fantasy of carrying weapons on the hip vs the back carries a different allure from person to person, and classes such as Monk automatically put every one handed weapon to the back while other classes are at the mercy of the designer.

It’s surely not unfeasible either, as Shadowlands introduced the Devouring Cold, which had a very unique On Use effect to change where the weapon would be placed!

The ability to choose would open up a lot of new options, much the same way Common and Gray items becoming transmoggable did, and it would make certain weapons that would otherwise never even be considered to see new uses again!


Could posssibly even add a “hide” function when not equipped. Like what happens currently if you have a weapon that slots into the back but you have one of the Floating back pieces.

Some of my mogs look awesome when the weapon isn’t always displayed and only displayed when my character is holding them. Like my current christmas mog, still working on what weapon I want to display, but by always having the off-hand and main-hand on my character… it ruins the feel of my christmas mog. *though speaking of my christmas mog, I wish we could have the set that your character is given when you utilize the Disposable Winter Veil Suits toy.