Customer support

This isn’t a bug though. This is how the new loot system is designed. I enjoy LFR and farm it for transmog on multiple characters so I’ve been following this. The only way around I see right now is to either decline upgrades higher than LFR ilevel or roll a new toon to exclusively farm LFR. Hopefully they change this. There’s a larger discussion in the general forum you may want to join.

And FYI, generalized complaints about customer service are seen as trolling and not permitted in this forum. I have personal experience appealing this issue.


Once again, last week it was an upgrade. 389 > 382, so why could I not roll on it? And also, it is a bug because a LFR piece dropped LOWER ILVL than what I am wearing from Kurog and I could roll on it. Half the raid bosses NO MATTER ILVL i cannot roll on tokens whether an upgrade or not.

Ultimately I believe your ticket is not going to receive an answer you will find favorable either. If you could not roll need on an item, GM staff won’t be able to help bypass that.


Delete this thread please.

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Wow, this thread took a down turn… :frowning: