Customer churn

This will be a boring topic but it’s for my own curiosity.

Does Blizz have this as part of there metrics?

I don’t see anything about them talking about churn.

Do the developers even consider churn or is that left up to another department?

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in SaaS, churn is not something discussed outside of the company

This is something that should be given to the shareholders though.

They are turning customers into butter now? How low can you go?

Customer Churn is about Customer Retention and Customer Returns. How long do customers play and how often do they leave then return.


Yeah Legion was kind of based on that churn. Bfa completely.

100% they consider churn which is why they don’t care about 90% of complaints. When they did collect data on why people left they found 90% was non-game related, real life stuff(Bashiok dropped this in an interview ahwile back), which is why they stopped collecting that useless data point.

At the end of the day, there is a constant stream of people leaving for mostly non-game reasons so the important part for Blizz is how many are returning/new. So, big flashy ad campaigns and new, new, new stuff is the most important part of the equation and always has been.

Man, I remember the good old days when we had real CM’s like him.

Sarcasm is a lost art.

This word just makes me think of ice cream. I could go for some good ice cream.


Thanks for explaining that. I was curious.

How long did this customer play, since '07
How often did I leave, never … until now, sub ended last week
How often do they leave then return. hmmm, not sure I will, which makes me sad.

Ice cream.
Stahp it.

/sarcasm is where it’s at.

Do you have two turntables and a microphone?