Custom shape monitors, when?

I know they’re making progress in the monitor department but for some reason we’re still stuck with the same shapes and sizes (almost) since they were invented. When do you think we’ll be able to purchase custom size/shape monitors? I want to sit in a 360 degrees immersion bubble, or at least have an arched one so that I can see the skies in video games, which always leave us players speechless.

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The last part reminded me of the times I visited planetariums…but to take that idea and go beyond immersing oneself in just space travel… would be sweet.

VR headsets today are supposed to help replace the use of a monitor, like how in simulation games like MS Flight Simulator 2020, you get to have a 360-degree view of the pilot’s seat and look out the windows on all sides, using a combination of VR, IR, and head-tracking. I’d like to see this functionality in more genres.

Maybe we can even have a 360-degree projector of some sort generating the game around your seat, or be in some simulation room with special walls/floor/ceiling that changes to the game’s environment.

Then there’s augmented reality (AR) - where we bring a game’s content into our own world; I can see what you’re talking about being the future of this tech line. Imagine a projector generating a digital makeup of weapons in our hands and swinging it at hordes of enemies your size or bigger coming at you.

It’ll be Soviet Azeroth - we don’t enter Azeroth, Azeroth enters ours! :rofl:

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I think they’re finding ways to record dreams, literally imaging what the subjects see in their minds. So if they could reverse that, and project images directly into our minds, then that would be truly revolutionary.

In the meantime the middle class and up can buy VR headsets.
But in today’s economy I don’t think that tech will go mainstream very fast.

Hmm… I can see both good and bad outcomes when it comes to dealing with people’s thoughts.

The good:
No need to try to recall something you have seen in the past or your dreams and forgotten… or have someone sketch something you’re trying to describe. A device can recreate the image from your mind pixel by pixel. The animated series Blade Runner: Black Lotus had a scene where the main character had such a thing when she was trying to remember someone in her past. Perhaps an inspiration was taken from somewhere. I can see some future benefits for helping people with Alzheimer’s or amnesia. It’ll give a new meaning to “picture-perfect memory”.

The bad:
Memory/thoughts manipulation. The lines may be blurred between what memories were originally yours and what was implanted.

I agree with VR costs, though. A full experience with the hand controllers and full body suit is ~$1,000, way too steep for niche use. For going mainstream sooner and cost-cutting, it would need to go beyond just entertainment; have benefits in education, military, medical, etc. It annoyed me that the first experimentation with today’s VR sets was with 18+ PoV content…

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