Custom Controller ui?

are there any addons that completely overhauls the ui to work better with controllers? i already use consoleport and immursion addons but the ui is still quite awful.

I would argue that consoleport is a complete ui revamp and probably the best you’re going to get. Not sure what you were hoping for beyond that.

I don’t know of any other addons trying to do the same thing.

There is an add on for controllers, iv seen it but i have no idea whats its called

think controller friendly menus. FF XIV has an amazing ui for controllers, just wish Blizzard would bring WoW into this decade.

Consoleport had that when I used it.

But that was before the new talent system and some other things so maybe it hasn’t kept up very well.

Console port is amazing but they did not remake specific menus to work with a controller, like the talent menu and i can only imagine how awful player housing will be on a controller. but this is a ME problem so i can just find a game that catters to me :sweat_smile: