Custom Addon Created for Layering Exploit

Actually layering isn’t part of the Vanilla experience and exploiting it is forbidden. When we look at the LFG addon which Blizzard said isn’t allowed with how it works because it ruins the social structure of the game.

Exploiting layering ruins the economic structure of the game and of course it is forbidden to use addons or anything to tarnish the original gameplay design.

These are simple facts that have been stated by Blizzard. Their stance is clear on trying to give everyone the most authentic experience possible. Anything going clearly against that. Isn’t allowed and will be fixed.

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OP is a massive troll. Please ignore him.

He’s posted a bunch of these threads without any proof whatsoever.

Making a hash out of someone’s “/who” result isn’t going to tell you what layer you’re in it’s just going to tell you what your /who list returned. If it’s more than 50 then it’ll be different than someone else even if you’re both in the same layer b/c their /who will have people your /who didn’t have. As people come and go in Org it’ll also generate a different hash which is again not tied to a layer at all. Also, someone mentioned /who isn’t layer specific.

If this addon exists and it works then I doubt that this is how it does it. Did you mean to say hash table instead of hash?

There’s already public ones you can find on google, putting the addon out there isnt a bad thing

i mean…

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Only if they are in my guild/friends list. I just tried it on everyone in Stormwind (Herod) and not once did it do that.

Besides the point, a hash on /who is pointless and the OP is claiming that is how the addon works and is some how using that to get layer info.

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Nice cropped screenshot without any proof that this is even from classic.

Some guy did some napkin math and came to the conclusion that it would have taken approximately 200+ hours of JUST CASTING MINING on the thorium veins to acquire this crystals. Even with multiple people doing this for different node spawns, that’s more /played time than anyone has at the moment.

I mean, imagine if the US Government could snap their fingers and make explosives not work anymore, period. Why wait? That’s where we are here.

Hyperbole at its finest.

As with the folks who swore MC wouldnt be cleared week 1, you greatly underestimate the coordinated efforts of ultra-hardcore players in this game.

Here is more proof: Player proves you can determine your layer with /who (proof inside)

Why should anyone trust you when you’ve been posting screenshots alleging an amount of resources collected that would take longer to physically collect then the games even been live for?

Noobs like Kozzie always make me laugh. Usually THEY are the ones cheating!

I honestly don’t know who you are talking about…

Nah i’m only level 19 mate. barely any time to play. but 'm also logical enough to see lies and trolls.

The addon was created shortly after the thread was and it doesn’t work lmao.

whats the name of this supposed addon ?

This is/was debunked by blizzard right? The number of layers per realm is in the single digits and it is not possible to determine layers by doing /who

Sort of. I’ve seen claims that blizzard missed something in their analysis of this (something about needing to add options to the who search to restrict it to your layer), but that might just be more fearmongering.

Layering is certainly having a strong negative impact on the game whether this particular exploit is legitimate or not though.

Yup, see here: