Curse of Tongues Bugged - Affecting GCD

Hey everyone,

I’ve noticed a bug with Curse of Tongues. It’s currently counteracting any haste effects with the GCD. For example, if I use icy veins & MQG, my GCD is extremely short. If curse of tongues is then applied to me, it goes back to the normal 1.5 seconds.

Curse of tongues should only be affecting cast speed, not the GCD.

To reproduce - Get some haste effects such as blood lust, icy veins, etc, and spam an instant cast like ice lance. Have a warlock then cast curse of tongues and watch the GCD of your ice lance go back to the normal 1.5. I do not have a timer to see if it’s going even higher then 1.5, but the difference between hasted GCD and with tongues is blatantly obvious.

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Should also test with mind numbing poison; it may also do similarly.