Curse of Recklessness, Curse of Tongue, Curse of Doom SL

We do not need more bar clutter as warlock, i don’t believe anybody asked for these 3 particular curses, these 3 curses are my least missed, least favorite, least iconic, and least nostalgic warlock abilities, and add nothing in terms of fantasy, or playstyle. Another worrying update from shadow lands, pets will still be useless, same models for over a decade.


If you think Curse of Tongues is “bar clutter”…

These are all just your opinions, but I’d argue that being able to curse people is a very Warlock thing to do and adds a lot in terms of class fantasy. Though Curse of Doom is extremely underwhelming currently, hope to see it reworked (or removed).

They literally just got updated in Legion lol


Doom was useless in bfa and still will in SL, look at the time it needs to do damage, and after a long 15 seg or more waiting for the damage comes you have to pray for it to get the kill and pray even more for it to spawn the demonarch, literally a waste of GCD


Curses coming back is good, and fun. They just need to be clear on whether it’s usable for bosses (or dungeon bosses yes, raid bosses no) or strictly only world pve and pvp in general.

Curse of Doom is the DUMBEST thing I’ve ever seen in my LIFE, same as baseline corruption with zero interaction and a cast time for Demo and Destro where the damage is a net loss.


I’m not a big fan of these versions of curses either. The current implementation just feels like a nostalgic throwback with little thought as to how they would fit into the current game.

Why do curses excite you?


The implementation could be better, but honestly I like baseline curses because it’s thematically fun as warlocks to weaken our opponents.

I personally would’ve done “Curse of Enfeeblement” and “Curse of the Elements” however. Also return Doom to it’s MoP or WoD iteration, and if they really want to make it baseline, have it interact with both Aff and Destro.

Don’t forget curse of exhaustion that was literally the only slow we really had in PvP! Great is BGs

But it’s weird that curse of elements never came back it synergies with us so much, fire damage boost for Destruction and Shadow for Demo and Afflic, heck we’d be a Mages dream to have in a group.

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There’s that new pvp talent about “improving your curse”, forgot its name, but could just bake in Curse of Exhaustion into that, so Curse of Enfeeblement is an all-in-one curse, and within PVP you make it so you are target capped on curses.

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Also Baal, did you read the google doc, that most high end warlocks writing for feedback it’s gold great suggestions.

Did when I was first given it, incorporated stuff, will check now to see if it’s updated

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There are too many buttons… warlock buttons are double to my hunter and triple to my dh, I don’t understand the logic in there, Playing this class is worst than play piano, can u just add the curse effect on old skill? Such as give a snare to legion strike, demo bolt apply curse of weakness something,

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skill cap is high, and that’s considering our full full toolkit back in the day was like twice the buttons in shadowlands

I actually got carpal and cupital tunnel simultaneously due to Cata and MoP warlock


Curse of elements is pretty much the debuff DHs bring to the table.

I thought the debuff is only 5%, but in Shadowlands we cause them to take more physical damage, and goes with the monk debuff…

Wouldn’t it make sense to have the DH debuff stay the same and Curse of Elements, atleast it synergies with us.

Help a lot in solo content, help a lot in caster comps, M+ is already a physical melee comp and hunters… So we just make them even greater…that’s great…

Curse of Elements would help bring variety, warlocks then will mix well with all casters, I’m telling you Shadow Priests are on life support the extra shadow damage would be a god send.

All I’m saying, isn’t that what RPGs are?, you play a game how you like? There should be variety so if my mates are all casters were already screwed, especially when it comes to M+ :neutral_face:

They just doing it again, pidgeon holing us and bringing greater strengths to melee and hunters.

I can see it now, teams literally just bringing a lock for the curse and be a curse bot, just for them, which is great atleast we get taken along to make them even greater…

You already know the answer to this when difficult multiplayer content gets thrown in the mix. :frowning:

Curses are only ‘‘fun’’ because they fit thematically. However, how are they supposed to be fun in terms of gameplay when you have not only to cast it (there’s that thing called GCD even with INSTANT abilities) but to refresh it during a boss fight or a dungeon? That Demon Hunter, which has no ‘‘skillcap’’ at all, applies it’s debuff instantly whenever it deals damage, and it is permanent. Not to mention that this Curse of Recklessness that ‘‘fits thematically’’ only increases the physical damage taken and not the magical damage taken. In other words: it’s a curse that increases the damage that other people do to the boss.

By the way, Curse of Doom (and Doom for that matter) should be completely removed from the game. Even though I like what the spell should do, it’s completely useless in the current game format. No minion lives for more than 15 seconds, imagine 1 minute. It’s a joke for that to even be in the game anymore, not to mention it’s supposed interation with Doomguard. There’s dozens of suggestions of how it should work: it could be a talent for all 3 specs ,for Demo only, Afflic only, ticks every 15 seconds, etc. I don’t think they’ll ever come to a conclusion after years of insisting in the same thing. So, my suggestion is to just remove it completely.

I don’t get why people like so much about old stuff if they can’t be implemented in the game. You guys need to think as a new player that wants to choose a class/spec to play, that is fun to play and that people would actually choose to invite to a group. Why should someone invite a Warlock when the person playing probably can’t do damage as good as a melee class and don’t have the same utility as a Demon Hunter, Monk or even another ranged class (Interrupts, for example)?

For curses to be worth playing in the current format, they should follow other spells/passives in order to be competitive in both a fun and competitive enviroment. Otherwise, people will just choose another class and have someone else play that ‘‘mandatory’’ class just for that unfun castable/renewable curse that helps progression.

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Legion Strike, Felstorm, and Demonic Strength all do physical damage tho.

But yes we should get curse of elements back, it’s dumb otherwise.

Yeah, but that can be easily fixed via implementing a prior iteration of Doom (eg WoD doom, that was 15 seconds and spawned an imp, and could easily be integrated into both Aff and Destro via some spell interaction)

I mean, I think in an ideal world you are picking the race/class/spec that most appeals to you from a personal/roleplaying AND gameplay perspective. Min/Max Brain is a brain worm that needs to be reduced. Some people liked it when Warlock learning curve was exponential because 99% of the WoW population simply couldn’t play it, so you felt Elite in being able to handle the class. Obviously stuff has changed, but I disagree with this notion that all classes and all specs should be equally easy or equally simple to play. I would loathe a Warlock design that was as boring and simple as say, Mages.

DH is one example though. Other classes also have castable debuffs that need to be reapplied.

I am one the few locks that still use bfa doom but that is in part because it is instant cast. If they keep the new cast time on sl doom, I will have to drop it. Curse of slow would be very nice to have; the new curses they are giving do not have the utility of curse of slow. I always wonder when I see changes like this, does any developer actually main a demo lock, and I suspect the answer is no.

A more elegant way to implement curses would be to give each spec Agony instead of Corruption, and then let you tack an effect on top of your Agony. You could even tie it into Agony stacks so the effect gets stronger as it ramps up (something like Weakness is 2% attack slow per stack, for example).

Agony, at the very least, would have some use for demo and destro as long as it kept the random shard generation.