This debuff lowers magical damage dealt, however in the timewalking version it lowers it by 344,558%. Meaning your spells do nothing.
Is this a bug? It seems like one imo
This debuff lowers magical damage dealt, however in the timewalking version it lowers it by 344,558%. Meaning your spells do nothing.
Is this a bug? It seems like one imo
Just ran in to this during Dire Maul East timewalking. For me it said reduced by 247k-something percent, and it wasn’t just a tooltip bug as spells weren’t even generating combat text when landing. Shouldn’t be doing this at all.
It’s definitely not scaling correctly under max level. It seems any time I get this under level 70 the debuff gives over 10,000% damage done reduction. At max it’s working normally. Haven’t seen the effects between 70-80.