The only way to get the quest to go to Borallus to level 10-50 in BFA is to create a core race character and go through Exile’s reach.
Currently there is no way for an allied race character to select to level 10-50 in BFA.
join the other threads. my normal dwarf cannot go to BFA either, and we are not alone
yea i tested it out maded a night elf did exiles reach and got stuck after i can get the start quest for any expansion but not for bfa u take boat to bfa nothing to its like bfa is completely removed acces to for alt or new players regardless of allied race or not
Okay so I tested this out. Made a Lightforged Draenei Priest. Mission Board has nothing for BFA, the guard standing next to the Board no quest to go to Anduin like it would for Exile’s Reach completed characters who skipped the “Tour of the City” and Turalyon is sitting on the throne.
So I then went the unconventional path, took the boat “The Relentless” which docks in what used to be the Darnassus boat to Boralus Harbor. The loading screen had a heart attack, but I made it to Boralus after force closing the game twice. Could not do the intro quest or interact with anything out of the ordinary. Taelia just stands there idle at her boat. Sent over a 7th Legion Scouting Map to get all the flight paths and went around zone to zone. I can pick up any of the random zone quests available, but not primary story quests.
I set my hearth to Snug Harbor Inn just in case, I’ll grab the Dalaran Hearthstone so I have a way out and alternatives. I’ll go back there once that alt is level 30 with flying and see how many quests I can knock out without the primary story quests.
Same here.
than again u wont be able to do the endgame content when u reach 50 like gearing up on mythics and mythic+ u cant do world quest getting necklace cloack or anything so basically we playing in a version wow now where we cant play current content, and i mnot gonna lie i know for a fact blizzard knows about this now after all these tickets and forum talks, also i know as well they wont implement a hot fix for just 1 issue, so this means im 100% sure this wont be fixed for atleast a solid week before they fixing this issuewith other hotfixes… there is nothing on wowhead nor mmo-champion about it so that tells the story.
kay little update here i maded a a human warlock i did the exile’s Reach and did NOT SKIP the stormwind tour and that gave me the tides of war quest to go to bfa lollll
Yes - going to Exile’s Reach and then doing the “Tour of Stormwind” seems to be the only way to get to level 10-50 in BFA.
This has been a common issue…Only ones that can do bfa is if you do exiles reach. Allied races are unable to even see the quest at the NPC by the board. I myself tested it out on many fresh allied races. None had the quest there. Horde side is no problem, you get quest right away… Everyone is having an issue with BFA, and still no BLUE POST on when/why this is gonna be fixed. Was such a horrible idea to release this pre patch when there was so many bugs in the beta. Expansion got delayed, pre patch should have also been delayed. Fix this blizzard…
I can see why Shadowlands was indefinitely delayed. Blizzard quality is laughable
ive never seen so many post of 1 issue if they keep ignoring is sl might not even release game will die before that this is unaccaptable
I managed to start BfA content after Exile’s Reach just fine till yesterday, even if I skipped the Stormwind tour, but now Hero’s Herald is not dropping the quest for me either. I even tried leveling to 11 and doing the usual restarting of the game jazz. No luck.
nope now the only way of getting it is doing exile’s reach and dont skip the tour, thats legit the only way how its working.
if we are lucky it will be fixed wednesday (if we are lucky) but deff not earlier than that.
I thought it was just me after race changing. I was able to get to BFA content on my Wargen Warlock and Dwarf Hunter on Thurs. Sat and Sunday, I have been trying to go there with my now Lightforge Paladin and the quest is gone. It does not populate when logging in or out or leaving/returning to SW. I am able to boat to Kul’Tiras but there is absolutely no quests. Sigh…
Adding my voice. A few days ago I was getting the options on my Lightforged Draenei (LFD) Hunter. I chose Pandaria to level with a friend. Wife started a LFD Hunter and went into BFA a few days ago as well. So I started a LFD Paladin to go level with her. No luck. Can’t get any BFA stuff now. So it was working, but it’s just not anymore. I’ve deleted and remade the character, tried entering and exiting timelines etc. Nothing.
well they finally acknowledge it lol
Thanks, Aerodynamic!
Currently, we do not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided.
Not sounding promising.
i thinkm it will be fixed in this upcomming maintenance on wednesday 21st october butit might be way after that as well… its deff not gonna be before the maintenance im 100% sure sadly. i mean i still dont agree it took them 3 days to find out even after all the tickets and forum spam but atleast they know it now and working on it so i ques its a improvement.