Currently Filled

Me and a friend have started to push high keys and want to see how far we can get. But pugging has its limits and we are looking to make a group that wants to push keys as high as we can go. I have been tanking this season but im willing to swap to dps if we can get a great tank to take my spot. Would prefer to build a solid comp, does not have to be the “flavor of the month” comp, but a comp that works well with each other.

We raid Friday and Sat 7-10cest. We would also prefer to run keys Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for a few hours. So outside of our raiding hours which may get shorted as the season goes we are down to push keys generally at anytime during those days.

feel free to look us up on raider io
Sandríll-Kel’Thuzad (id copy paste my name it has an accented i xD)

feel free to reach out
discord: wizarz