“Well the Game Sucks” -Captain Obvious 2018
“So thats what i`ve been playing…” -Asmongold a few months into BFA 2018
“Wow is DEAD!” -Any Troll in Trade Chat 2004-2019
“Tell Everyone that the lich king is dead, and WoW Died with him!” -Bolvar
Fordragon 2008
“yo ion! get eaten by a lion, Blizzard really is one blizzard of trash, Im Mashing n
while Slashing, NappinWhile Slappin! Now step back before i BackLash yo game, Rappin
s my Game, Now I broken yo power, Now yo need a shower, Time to cool them burns As i took yo a lesson! Yo need to be learning on how to be a better Burner! Now Walk cause im stealing the show and well as yo power!” -Some battle Rapper 2017
“We must remember something important, There is always a bigger terd” -Everquest players on WoW 2018
“The Sha {not wow sha but Sha as in ancient chinese evil spirits} is strong with this one” -Confucious on Ion haraka
“Terrible writing leads to Bad gameplay, Bad gameplay leads to Allied races, allied races leads to A bad game” -Yoda on Modern wow, 4018
“Zeus Banish this game to the river stynx!” -Socrates 355 BC
“We are moving Fowar- Sorry m8 i meant BACKWARDS, yeah more like that clears throat We are moving Backwards…” Ion on Modern wow 2019 “even he knows its garbage”
A few weeks ago, after finding much better games, i decided to take a second
look at a certain game that almost seems its expansion is still in alpha or beta, World of Warcraft or WoW as in "WoW! i cant believe its been that long since i took a shower!" I came back to see if the game even improved slighty, but sadly no I really wanted bfa to succeed, but instead, it sucked, There was and still is so many issues and flaws Blizzard keeps making to the game that it almost seems its all one big joke, and blizzard suddenly makes expansions that are incredible but sadly i don
t think thats the case here, The amount of Flaws, glitches and bugs in bfa has basically become a meme/joke, players joke around saying BFA is still in beta and ask blizzard when the actual launch is, calling blizz an indie company or EA, saying BFA is a legion DLC, stuff like that, Bfa is so bad that apparently, the sub count blizzard stopped letting us see {probally so that way they make players think the game is still big] was leaked somehow and it showed the sub count was at a whooping 1mil, sure 1million players seems like a lot of people, but if you take another look at the sub count, the last time WoW was at 1mil subs was 2004ish aka when the game first launched, Even WOD had more subs at 4mil, that means the game almost lost all of its playerbase, the last million players is probally Hardcore fans/fanboys, People sentimental about their chars, Young children and people just there for the nostalgia, You remember the infamous line “WoW is dead!” that often gets spammed in trade chat to get a rise of the fanboys? well i think these trolls actually were right all along, and no im not saying the game is dead yet, heck no but its on its way of being their, before you “Correct” me saying “Thats not true you forum trollo!” take a look at the sub count once more, the subs peaked at wrath and gradually slithered its way down all the way to 1mil, this is the reason blizzard is gunna release classic servers, to “fix” the mess they splattered on the game, the changes they made are permanent, the damage has been done, like mold on a mattress, once its there there is no fix, there is a reason vanilla servers 13+ years later are still popular to this day,
Let us take a look at not only the current issues but also issues that have been around since cata, and see what killed the game,
#1: Scaling Sucks, Scaling does not fit a rpg or an mmo at all, a key rule in rpgs is making the player as they level, feel and get more powerful as they progress through the game, Scaling ruins the sense of progression, heck even players get scaled, now while scaling can be done right sometimes, it doesnt fit a game like wow where the game is basically all about getting more powerful,
How it can be fixed: remove scaling entirely but may be difficult because legion and bfa zones are basically built for that but it chould be reworked or removed entirely next expansion.
#2: Quit going nuts with the store mounts, All companys wanna make money right? well yes, however blizzard is what is referred as a “greedy company or monpany as i call it” they want money so badly that it doesnt matter if their products are terrible, as long as they roll in cash they dont care, the ingame store is bad for a few reasons which i am going to list here
Makes the game feel like the average phone app
Store mounts and pets make trying to unlock all mounts/pets impossible without a full wallet
The store should of just been stuff like faction changing, race changes, etc no mounts no pets just faction, race changing etc
How can it be fixed: Remove Mounts and pets from ingame store and make it just faction changes, race change etc
#3: AP and the heart, Two new features {not really} is the heart of azeorth and azerite power or AP for short, the problem is well, the hoa sucks, the artifact weapons were much better because you chould unlock new talents and abilties, almost like a second talent tree, however the hoa is just… Stat buffs, How did we go from unlocking talents to unlocking stats This is one of many reasons why even legion was better
How can it be fixed: Bring back the legion artifact talent tree system
#4: Going from strong to weak, How do we go from killing a titan, defeating an army of immortal demons, saving the world twice in one expansion and universe from both the legion and the void/old gods/nightmare to fighting pirates and trolls, it doesnt make sense it just doesnt.
How can it be fixed: Probally impossible as the whole game is built around this idea so N/A
#5: Does the player/hero even exist, Wow for some reason likes to pretend the player is nonexistent and never was in the lore, sure it does say stuff like “Hogger the World Breaker has been defeated by the hands of the Horde/alliance Heros!” in the lore and stuff but ingame however its like we never existed, we didnt kill lk in Deathwing or anything but someone else, we dont even have our own lore other then a hordie quest that reveals something about our god slaying chars, but other then that we basically never existed, sure they are doing something like showing us that there are multiple heros for each class instead of just us but still
How can it be fixed: Give the player their own backstory or lore, possibly diffirent lore for each race, like why did our player become a solider/hero, etc
#6: The expansion idea is dumb, Who ever said at blizz headquarters: "Lets go from fighting gods to fighting each other, its just dumb, plus why is the horde and alliance seemingly delusional to the fact that the harvesting of azerite is kill their planet, atleast Magni knows it, all he has to do is walk up to the horde and alliance leaders and say “hey this is killing our world, your basically gunna kill everyone on the planet and it will be all your fault so cut it out” but plot armour so that wont probally happen,
How can it be fixed: Can`t really other then better expansion ideas that make some sense
#7: Sylvanis and Nathonis`s characters are ruined forever: why is she suddenly the lich king 2.0, why is nathonis and the horde leaders blindly follow here like delusional idiots asking for death, i guess this is why the alliance want her dead so bad,
How can it be fixed: Read the books, lore, etc and find out why the fans loved her and nathonis blightcaller pre Legion
#8: Why is the primitive horde winning against a army of advanced warriors, It doesnt make any sense I mean the alliance has void elvesthat can literally open portals to where ever they want so all they do is send a few blueberry elves through a portal and assasinate sylvanis and then boom victory, then you the draenei, which have futuristic alien tech that chould easily blow a country sized hole in the planet, i mean take a look at the vindicaar, it can blow up a massive area, its basically something Thanos whould have as a toy, all the alliance has do to is shoot a barrage of light bombs at every hordie city and base and boom victory! ontop of all that we have a prophet that can see the future, not one but two nature gods, one of the most powerful druids in the universe {malfurion}
the alliance chould easily obliterate the horde within a day then take a look at the horde
They have
Trolls who still dont have neither a leader or city
Orcs who fight with axes and stones and probally throw feces at each other
more trolls
a group of zombies
a second race of blueberry elves with a purple silvermoon
Leaders who constantly fight each other
The horde have two civil wars so far once garry hellscream and Lich queen
Tell me please who has better tech, but plot armour lel
How can it be fixed: quit worshipping the horde as if the horde was the second resurrection of jesus christ and let the alliance win atleast some battles/war
#9: Allied races: Bliiz: hey kids we are going to release not 1 not 2 not 3 not 4 not 5 but 6 races, however because we wanna keep you subbed longer, youll need to commit to ingame chores to unlock all of them for weeks How can it be fixed: Make AR
s unlocked after a questline or raid/dungeon instead of boring the player to the point they fall out of their chair with rep
#10: The Community
Now listen, WoWs community has never been exactly the most welcoming, but my god bfa
s community is just absurd imo, i`ve encountered more elitists and jerks then ever, now it chould be considered bad luck, but still the entire Community can be summed up like this
Basement Boys: Self Explainitory
Elitists: People who basically play big fish little fish with undergeared, lowbies and even decent geared dudes,
Trolls: Every game has one, but suprising enough, trolling seems to have completely vanished in wow
Fanboys: A cult that works closely with satanvision and Bli$$ard, they are Fanatical to the Modern game and threaten to slit your throat at night if you say the game is garbage {It is} it is said they live in unclean, dirty, basements that is infested, Infested with Empty Mtn dew bottles and old mcdonald cups that they refuse to pick up, the basement also has anime action figures on dusty shelves,
How to spot a fanboy cultist:
They wear special cult clothing
A Ion haraka silicone mask,
Blizzard and activision shirts
Black and red robes
Fingerless gloves
Forever holding a “I HEART BFA AND ACTIVISON” sign
If you see one, Scream “BFA IS THE GREATEST” so that way, they wont snap your neck, the good thing is, fanboys cant push their fists through the screen and choke you on the other side, but God Help you if you say “Bfa is trash and blizzard sucks” because if you do, the fanboys will spam you with so many Whispers it will make your head spin,
Stay away from these people, they may use you for as a offering to Satanvision and ion,
What killed wow?
What exactly killed the once golden crown of mmos is hard to say, alot of things are responsible, Activison, blizz turning it into a cash cow, rushed expansions, poor gameplay, EA like features, but in my opinion, the one thing that stabbed the game in the abdomen is the fact there is no competition with anyone, blizz doesnt really have anyone to compete with so there isnt really any point to work on the game too hard,
Will Blizzard/activision ever learn from its mistakes?
Considering how they are handling the game, probally no, but im sure they know the damage they`ve done to the game,
Can Wow Be Saved?
Yes infact it can but it whould take a lot to fix the damage blizz is done, the expansions Cata, Mop, Wod, Legion and BFA have done lots of damage, but the next expansion chould save the game
What they chould do to save the game
Bring back the old talent trees,
Take more time to work on the expansions, sure it will take longer to release, but at the same time, you whould expect a higher quality expansion, Quality over Quanity
Less RNG
Better writing
Island expeditions removed/scrapped {they need to be destroyed now!} TERMINATE TERMINATE TERMINATE TERMINATE!!!
no more mission tables or missions
Remove Sharding/phasing
make gold more valuable and harder, make gold actually hard to obtain rather just then “Its raining gold! In my shower!!”
No more Ap grinding of any kind, and if you are gunna keep it, bring back the legion artifact weapon talent tree {Aka unlocking new abilites instead of just stats}
No more pruning
Make classes feel unique,
Bring back pvp teir sets
Make PvP great again
Bring back tier sets in general
Remove Allied races {they are literally just reskins} and if you are gunna keep them, make it where they are unlocked after a questline instead of basically weeks of online chores {Rep grinds}
Focus more on gameplay then art/visuals, i get it, it makes the game LOOK better, but it doesnt make the game PLAY better, Runescape has potato graphics but it has a huge following and is very popular, Graphics wont hook people on the game, instead its how the game plays and its quality, Ark survival evolved had amazing graphics but failed miserably within a year, if you wanna keep players from abandoning ship, try making the game`s quality higher,
If blizzard chould do these things, maybe perhaps wow chould be saved and regain its crown, but until then expect garbage every 3 years,
So the final Question!
Why does blizzard do this?
Well multiple reasons, Activisions greed, etc, but i think the main factor is that making bad expansions well, it works and im not saying thats a good thing, actually a bad thing but their plan works, a good portion of the wow fanbase is people younger then 18years, mainly 12-15 year olds, you see most kids cant tell between a good game and a bad game, and then you have the hardcore fanboys, who are the people who REFUSE to quit no matter what, then finally players sentimental about their *Precious* Characters, so blizz takes advantage of it and it actually works, take a look at bfa, it was the fastest selling expansion in wow history and managed 3.4mil copies sold within a day, Anyways do the math, 1 sub = 50$ so 50 times 3million = 150 mil$ , thats a lot of money in one day, then the monthly subs add even more, as i spoke before, the subs were at 1mil this year so 15$ for every 1million subs, = 15mil {i think} per month, in total thats 65million blizz dollars within a month or so, +15mil more or less every month, so theyre rich, anyways they chould care less about what the internet or what the vanilla fans say, aslong as they roll in cash while on a private yacht, they wont care, then you have activision, because they are inseperatable like a mega strong magnet connected to another even more mega strong magnet, activison is basically their boss, if they dont do what actiboy wants them to do, lets just say theyll make blizz headquarters
s employees dissapear from the office {aka get mass fired} , these two companies have merged to the point they cant seperate from one another so the future for wow is uncertain, it will either die out in a few years like fortnite did, or maybe perhaps WoW activison/blizz will finally open their eyes and see the truth, maybe perhaps make the game great agai- NAAAAAAH by the looks of it so far its gunna die in a few years like fortnite did!
So yeah thats all the issues im gunna cover today mainly due to both being thousands of bugs and flaws and me begging to uninstall it a second time,
So time to rate it
Dungeon: 7/10
raids 6/10
Allied races 2/10
Lore/plot 3/10
zones 9/10
Gameplay 4/10
Pvp 4/10
pve 5/10
Talents, HOA and abilites 5/10
Overall Rating 4/10
Sadly the game sucks and my experience with bfa and past expansion was poor
I do NOT recommend this expansion or anything wow related post-wrath
Wish i went back in time and used the money i bought bfa with and bought Assasin`s creed: Odyssey etc, i hope blizzard finds this post and takes it in consideration, Thank you for reading this…