To make arms warrior feel more advantageous (from a PVP viewpoint mainly) in TWW, start by
- Buffing single target damage.
- Buff burst damage (avatar)
- Buff mobility so we can PLAY the game
- Buff or UNNERF ability’s when entered in PvP combat (countless amount of talents/ability’s)
- Less ramp up for set up kills (gameplay feels slow)
- Make plate feel more like plate rather nerfing it corrupting its value which then makes it feel more like cloth
- Reduce the affect of knock backs (with other close range classes as well)
- Make intervene reduce damage you take when used
- Add Necro banner to the talant tree and replace it with spear or buff spear
- Make Defensive stance at this point 15% reduced damage taken OR give it an extra talent/ability to increase its value over a short period of time
I could add more but these are just the basics. Warrior use to feel comfortable and confident to play but now it’s just depressing to log in at this point. Never done a post but I love the class and the game to much so why not speak my mind. I just want that feeling again that when I log in my warriors that I’ll be able to pump numbers and have the feeling of being a threat again rather than being looked at something that can be taken advantage of.
Thank you.
Warrior needs an entire redesign % based tuning won’t make the class more fun to play.
They did shake things up for Fury at the start of the Xpac then continually nerfed it to the ground.
It’s not even a lol class anymore.
Arms needs to be redesigned, imo. I mean, the whole class does, but Fury and prot both feel fun to play, most of the time. Fury just does piss all for damage and warrior in general has potato utility making it hard to justify for anything competitive.
Arms though, just feels like it’s part of three specs all crammed into one and none of it really works well. Like warbreaker is rarely even used because the cds are so bad you get no value, sweeping strikes feels like garbage. If it’s going to be 2 target limited, at least let it do full damage. Theres one 2 target fight in the raid atm and like 3 in keys, it’ll be ok. You are still forced to basically choose if you want to be good at cleave or good at 1/2 target damage and whichever one you didn’t pick is going to be laughable. Compare that to frost dk that gets to run their best st build and still top aoe packs with it. Arms is a lost cause, imo. Same issues in DF but I played it anyway because bleed spreading was the only way to get around the bs target caps.
Warriors are fine in terms of mobility. What we need is basically a buff that lets us deal with roots and snares or buffs that has to do with our utility. I wrote a whole post about this in the arena section.
- Have avatar make you immune to roots, snares, disarm for its duration. To make it balanced, if u were disarmed or rooted before u Activate, you will be rooted after you activate avatar.
- Have Hamstring be a off GCD spell
- Intervene dispelling certain CCs on allies when we charge at them.
- Giving back Rallying Cry a 20 - 25% boost.
The list can go on but nah, people will lose their minds if they even give so much as one utility to warrior. Warriors are hated on both sides, the fanbase and the devs. All we can do is keep posting to make them notice.
Sweeping Strikes needs to be off the GCD or actually do dmg upon press