Current state of the PTR is... questionable this close to launch

So, the Cata PTR just went live, a whole 6 days before it gets deployed to live servers (WotLK had nearly a month, August 4 2022-August 30 2022). And it’s still very rough.

  • Professions UI is completely broken, it says 0/0 for most professions, has no icons, and a bunch of overlapping text.
  • You can’t learn how to fly in azeroth from the flight trainer. But you can use druid flight form in azeroth.
  • I specced into feral, and didn’t learn Mangle. Swapped to second spec and back, now I magically learned bear mangle, but not cat mangle. Swapped specs back again, and now i magically learned cat mangle, but now I unlearned bear mangle.
  • Keyring + keys are still in game, despite being removed in cata.
  • Joining a random BG rewards 1 honor for a win, or a loss.
  • Guild finder UI is missing.
  • Spell Activation Overlay is missing. When spells like Hot Streak proc, you’re supposed to get a graphic on screen and have pyroblast highlighted on your hotbar.

they clearly dont care and will crap out what ever they have like sod phase 3

The saddest part is that SoD is their main focus right now.


Yeah, it feels like cata is suffering because the dev’s focus is on putting out fires in SoD. But they don’t want to delay cata because people are sick of ICC, and they don’t want it to overlap with War Within.


The “public” beta for every version of classic has been no more than a marketing stunt, the friends and family thing they have running for people more close is what you’re going to get.

So basically, you have no idea what the state of the game is going to be when it launches.

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PTR went live quite awhile ago, are you confused?

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Open beta just started sure. Its a test client. Not full cata client. You are testing the things they are currently changing correcting or whatever it is. Its a beta build i.e. a version of cata they are working on. I assure you, most things will be just fine on launch. Pet bar still wonky? Yes, there are raid and dungeon encounters that use the same ui slot…so during this build while they are rebuilding those ui’s…the main one will be “bugged”. Everyone takes the silence as a bad sign. Chances are they arent actual bugs, hence no need to address.

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I thought guild finder was in MoP and keyring still existed but didn’t do anything. It has been awhile so I could be wrong. The druid flight form one is funny tho

Guild Finder was originally added in 4.1, and keys were removed in 4.2, so both should be a thing since they’re using 4.3.4 data. Guild finder was in an older beta build (but broken). Now its gone in the latest build.

The thing is they have 5 days to fix it. If they had 30 days like they did with WotLK, I’d have more confidence, but they didn’t. Plus the team is busy with SoD, something they didn’t have to work on during WotLK’s initial release.


A lot of this sounds like ongoing issues from Cata beta so perhaps they’ve been working on fixes for awhile and they’re close?

Interestingly real Cata launched in a very buggy state as well. I remember the battleground queues were really messed up when real Cata launched to the point that my friends who mostly PvPed quit WoW back then over it before they fixed them a month or more later in the expansion.

I’ve had no issues with the professional panel or flight training since joining one of the more recent rounds of closed beta maybe 10 days ago.

I think the lack of communication broadly has been the biggest concern I’ve had rather than particular bugs. Agree with Isodk that it’s hard to reliably gauge the state of the full client from the current beta build.

But that does tie back to the issue that they could certainly be sharing more info than they are, and in a void people will often assume the worst.

Yeah, on beta those are working fine, on PTR they’re broken though.

The flight thing maybe is because we’re supposed to be in the old world (so, no flying), but we’re already in the post shattered world. We’re supposed to get the Elemental Invasion as part of 4.0.1’s launch, which ends with 4.0.3 and the shattering (new world).

Ah, I’d missed that the PTR opened up.

If I DL the wrath PTR can I try classes in Cata? I don’t see an option for Cata PTR.

Yes. They didn’t update the name to Cata ptr, but it is cata.


I haven’t been on the PTR but I would assume it has cata class changes. You obviously can only try it up to level 80 though and not at 85.

You have to be invited to the Cata beta to be able to see that on the launcher. You can sign up here if you haven’t:

Not sure they invite people to it still since Cata launch is so close anyway. :man_shrugging:

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Yeah I’m already playing it lol.

Well, its live now, and my professions page looks like this:
lol. I guess they forgot to deploy their super secret internal dev build that’s ahead of the PTR build to live servers.

BGs are broken, guild chat broken, classes still have missing spells, new characters spawn in with 0 abilities,

They should have delayed cata another month so they could have actually have fixed all the bugs before launching it. WotLK had nearly 30 days of PTR testing, meanwhile they rushed out cata with 5 days of PTR while also trying to put out fires on SoD.


And notice how all the people saying “it’s fine, beta is broken because that’s what a beta is, it will launch in a much better state” are curiously silent…


I mean, it did. Many of the bugs I personally reported in the beta have been fixed, namely map issues and bugged quests

It’s unfortunate not everything was fixed though

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