Current state of hunters

White knighting real hard there. Actually I played the hell out of Surv in Beta because I was interested in something new. With a new raid I was given the opportunity to change and I did, not for a FOTM like you assume.

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There is nothing new, all the abilities where there in legion. The only difference is reduce complexity in rotation and damage buffs.

Re-rolling from a completely different class because you played something on the beta for a new raid tier still makes it FOTM. If you’re going to FOTM thats the best time to test whats overtuned. From watching the beta on streams it was pretty obvious survival was.

The reason people argue their points is because we don’t feel like jumping around to a bunch of different classes. I shouldn’t have to give up rewards I have on my hunter in order to go to something else because they decided to trash all three specs with the exception being the damage tuning to survival making it mandatory in pvp. Its not white knighting and you still haven’t made suggestions you just push the status quo with insults.

It wouldn’t be hard for them to make a truly ranged or hybrid survival the way it is now. There are rows of talents throughout all three specs where multiple choices are ignored which could be used to fix this. Instead, its just to sides arguing pointlessly while nothing gets fixed.


Have you not played Fury Warrior? I think that is the most boring spec to play right now imo. There are others that come to mind as well but I do not consider BM the most boring atm.

Reading isn’t your strong suit is it? I personally was interested in something new. I always played range characters and Surv was/is new so I thought why not. I kept my Surv up with my mage in Uldir because it was fun. If I was a FOTM player I wouldn’t have played Elemental for so long, in fact I technically would have gone back to it now. You and Booples have taken Survival as a personal insult. Then you both Insult people who truly enjoy the spec and if they do then in both your eyes they are wrong.

Survival is here to stay, it’s a great spec and does have good utility for a melee and it’s very fun. Continuing to cry about it and take this personal is not healthy for you. Sad I had to Barney this down for you to understand.

After Legion we could only go up.

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You must have trouble reading and you make silly assumption like I don’t play survival when I’ve been 2.4k s1 Bfa as survival.

Its not here to stay because its not popular and no its doesn’t bring “good utility.” All you do is insult people. Everything in current survival existed in some form during Legion so claiming you discovered it’s “fun” in BFA is a joke.

The only large difference is the complexity in rotation and the damage buff it got. You won’t even bother to debate this which is sad. If they got rid of the spec you’d probably leave the class because you’re fotm and literally only post about survival and antagonizing people.


SV is OK IMO. The problem isnt SV and i see a lot of hunters complaining about SV because MM sucks.

MM sucks, nerfing SV isnt going to make MM better, its just going to make SV worst. I like playing SV but id also like to play MM.

I want to play MM but i cant because it sucks. And if they nerf SV because MM sucks, i wont play MM, ill play another class.


Survival was originally a melee spec when it was first in the game…it isn’t being “turned into” anything, it was reverted back to it’s original form.

Completely agree with you man, but in all honestly i think is OBJECTIVE to call making survival a melee a complete mistake. Let me explain why before you or anyone jumps to my throat.

I got nothing againt’s this melee interation of survival, you or anyone else like it well im glad you do. I just simply think it was a complete mistake to take a RANGE spec and convert it into MELEE.

We haven’t see another range spec being add into the game since Vanilla, meanwhile we got 3 clases added all completely melee. Even before Legion there were more melee specs that range and DH were coming too and range players still lost a spec to choose from.

Now the balance is even more inclined into melee specs and seing how we havent see a new ranged spec being added into the game losing one is a great lost and a complete mistake.

If they woulda leave survival and make a new melee spec i think no one would ever complained.


This can be reciprocated to SV though; it feels like they are trying to nudge people towards SV with favourable tuning. Look how at the start of the expansion BM was actually decently competitive in PvP; still worse off than SV but it held up… then they nerfed it to hell and back.

This sort of stuff happened in Legion too. Remember when traps were SV-only for several months? Although at least then SV was weaker on DPS than it is now. SV also rarely, if ever, gets a direct nerf. You might argue it’s not needed but BM, MM, and ESPECIALLY ranged SV (6.2) not-too-rarely got nerfs when they were already behind, and right now SV is ahead and it is virtually untouched.

This is one of the major reasons melee SV was a bad idea; it was always going to cause strife in the Hunter playerbase. It’s already got an appeal problem and needs pretty favourable tuning to overcome that, but overly-generous tuning will make ranged Hunters feel pressured to switch to a playstyle for which they never signed up. It’s not there yet in PvE, but in PvP it’s a pretty crappy situation for arena Hunters to have to play a melee spec if they want to get anywhere and that’s the situation right now (luckily I personally don’t do arenas).

This is not even true. Get a clue. Having talents that boosted melee damage for situations where you got stuck in the deadzone did not signal intent for the spec to intentionally stick to melee. That was never the intent or the result.

I agree with your post but to be fair this isn’t true. Before Legion there were 12 ranged specs and 11 melee specs; after there are 11 ranged specs and 13 melee.


Not counting tanks and heals? Sure, but i do count them dont matter the role for me.

I don’t think they should be counted because they are separate roles to DPS. People don’t really look for “melee” or “ranged” first; they look for the tank/healer/DPS role first, and if they picked DPS then they choose between ranged and melee.


I really enjoy my MM playstyle and not relying on a pet, and I was top of charts in dps most of the time, but something happened with this latest patch and now I can’t keep up, but I dont see any nerfs posted. Seems like around 1.5-2k dps disappeared.:neutral_face:

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Christ here come the novellas again

Fair assessment. SV players seem happy being melee. So you can’t assume nobody. I personally hate it; but, to each their own. Ever since Ghostcrawler left you can notice a drastic abuse of the hunter.

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What are you comparing? If it’s raids Uldir had Reorigination Array, which at 10 stacks gave you 750 of you highest secondary stat. Battle for Dazar’alor doesn’t have anything, so you dps would go down if you have the same gear.

Surv is fun, its worth a try no matter who you are. BUT if you get caught saying how fun it is apparently you are wrong and are FOTM.

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This makes so much sense! Thank you for sharing your opinion. I do feel like we need more baseline abilities because the way MM and BM are right now it pains me to see that when compared to a frost mage in my guild during the Raid this week, we both equipped with 2 new tier azerite pieces with BIS traits, the difference in scaling and damage was frustrating…


I agree they should of made a 4th spec for melee and kept 3 ranged, but it is what it is and I think sv hunter is amazing.

Personally I liked legions version better but it was convoluted and required too much work for little pay off.

The complaints about people not wanting a melee hunter spec is awkward to me though. Hunters are just rangers. Every powerful and well know ranger in fantasy is melee, with a bow they use at distance and sometimes a pet.

Drizzt and aragorn are probably the 2 .ost well known rangers in fantasy and both are melee. We have had melee ranger nocs since vanilla.

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Lol All of this talk about spec and what should be what. And not ONE of you even works in the mail room of blizzard.

It just this simple. Blizzard decided to make SrV a melee spec. From early docs, it was to be a Melee spec with range support. The same way the Protection Paladin was to be a tank, but could not tank. many things in this game has changed, in some people opinions good to bad. In the end, it’s Blizzard game, and the day you do not agree or are upset about a class, simply don’t play it.

There. Plain and simple. You can now go back to being Dev’s

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