Current state of hunters

and Fire Mage, and Balance Druid, and arguably Affliction Lock, and Monk and Druid healers, and (most importantly) almost every single melee opponent.


like commianche you missed the point and ignored what i saidā€¦ no other ranged class can do damage while moving like a hunter. could it and should it be more damage yess, but the cry babies act like we are back in the days where even an auto shot could not be done while moving.

None of what you are saying (that all other casters do less mobile damage) was even slightly implicit in your statement,

Regardless, I disagree. Moonkin, Aff and SV can all do more sustained and/or burst damage while moving than MM. Fire Mage is head and shoulders above MM for both (while moving).

But thatā€™s just pointing out an error in your statement, not your real point, which is that people are complaining about it too much. That is something I also disagree with, but its a valid point that deserves elaboration.

MM hunters are not the best kiting class. MM hunters would barely even qualify as a ā€œgoodā€ kiting class (though they are better than many). But that is historically MMā€™s thing. If they canā€™t kite properly, what can they do? Well, they can be the lowest represented DPS in high level PvP. That is something they do very well.

This is a problem. More mobility might fix it. More control of otherā€™s mobility might fix it. Maybe a little bit of column A and a little bit of column B are required, but people complain because its an issue and mobility is a possible fix.


^ Ya, opinions are one thing, taking live information really shows a glaring point. Thanks Masoschism, agree with you 100%

I am just curiousā€¦ MM has concusive shot which can be extended by steady shot. Which range class/spec can do better than that?

The Steady Shot extension mechanism is nearly 100% useless in practice. While I love that we have the option to actively gain focus with Steady Shot, it is cast relatively rarely, whereas we need concussive up 100% of the time. If they removed this mechanism I wouldnā€™t miss it for a single second. Regardless, aside from the Steady Shot extension Concussive Shot itself is great.

Frost Mage. Shaman? (I donā€™t play shaman so Iā€™m not sure). Destro has a root which is more often useful, but less often applied (and Destro also has insufficient tools imo).

Snare is only one part of the equation (roots are 10x more effective currently). So it isnā€™t about who can snare the best, itā€™s about whether or not MM has sufficient tools to kite in PvP against melee. The answer is it doesnā€™t, against more than half of the melee specs.

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they have given melee too many tools to close and hunters not enough to openā€¦



I played a hunter to rank 10 in Vanilla and loved to kite once I learned how to do it. An even bigger part of kiting than snares is GETTING AWAY from the damage.

Now I play an UHDK and itā€™s sad how easy hunters are to catch. We have a snare that is pretty much on demand. I wait for the hunter to Disengageā€¦ Death Grip. If/when they manage to create a bit of distance, I still have Death Coil to hit them with until I catch up. Then after they Turtleā€¦ Asphyxiation for the final nail in the coffin, kill them in the stun.

Sure, there are ways around all that, but every class has tools like these in Retail today. I would like to see some top tier hunters explain how they kite successfully because I just donā€™t think they have enough tools to overcome everyone elseā€™s tools.

the answer they would give, they play survival and dont kite just out duke them in melee or kite them an use eagle to become ranged dps.


I think youā€™re right.


Itā€™s rarely useful outside of PvP.

It was not. There were people with the fantasy of playing it as a melee but they were rightly laughed at. Only reason they ever even had any melee abilities was because they could not shoot anyone with a ranged weapon that was closer than 5 yards away. Which was stupid and Iā€™m so glad they finally removed this.

Which is probably why youā€™re playing a DK

Nailed it in one.

Although I am counting the days until I can play Classic. That 0/21/30 survival hunter spec was my jam.

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I played Surv too some expacs. Usually though I did BM or MM. Iā€™ve played this hunter almost since release.

The other class/spec I enjoy most these days is Enhance Shaman. Which sucks and I suck along with it but dangit, I enjoy it so whatever.

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Misdirect is good if you play MM but not so much as BM Blizz needs to fix the tooltip so that all hunter AND pet damage is Misdirected to Tank.

Eve thought that is because DPS are a dime in a dozen? They could have even picked another hunter with more gear or IO score that you.

BM Hunter in M+ is really good though. So much utility and the cleave is super easy and efficient. In the raid ST damage is king along with DOT obviously. So BM isnt going to be top because the raid isnt playing to the specā€™s strength.

I switched to Survival last week and parsed well for normal. Iā€™m sticking with survival for Raiding due to the good ST damage. I tried MM but I suck at it. Itā€™s doing well though.

BM hunter is still good in Raid but you need the right gear which takes time. Itā€™s harder to get higher simed dps with that spec, yeah. Wish they had a stronger ST playstyle option. And I miss having spirit beasts now that I play survival.

Also, hunting large animals with a spear is alpha AF.

this! I love it when people say what hunters use pole arms? forgetting that hunting was adopted well before the bow. they used javelins with vine and other animals to hunt lol

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