Current Rogue Hero Talents are aesthetically weak

Current iterations of the two Rogue Hero talents are aesthetically weak and fall completely flat. Death Knights get Rider of the apocalypse and can summon the four horsemen to their aid. Paladins get falling hammers from the sky with the Templar. Warlocks can summon pit lord’s and call down deathly meteors.

Rogue’s get a little lame coin flip with a small dinky animation. Feint does damage…
What is this discrepancy? Where is the inspiration and love for the Rogue class? Us Rogue’s want some cool stuff too; needs to be reworked.


There are definitely issues with it. Although first we got to keep in mind we’ll never be as visually flashy as most other classes.

I do despise the coin flip, its thematically dead to me, and doesn’t fit anywhere. You can argue that it can sort of fit Outlaw, but with Trickster already being there, we need more assassinaty feel to Fatebound, and the coin isn’t it.


Yea the whole coin idea and animation is the biggest offender and could not be worse, it’s so small and will be easily missed and will absolutely require weak aura tracking making it worse.


Rogue dev hates rogues.

What a shock.


Our dev has made it extremely clear this expansion that they do not like nor do they want people playing Rogue. Rework was a failure and did nothing but completely strip all resource generation away from 3 specs and completely destroyed our energy economy for literally no reason when it’s been fine for years.

Outlaw for example instead of actually fixing the spec now regardless of what they do to Trickster you’re 100% forced into Fatebound purely because of the 5% increased Sinister Strike proc chance. We also got absolutely gutted in the most recent build for seemingly no legitimate reason whatsoever and probably aren’t going to get any compensation for losing the current tier sets bonus either when the spec is actually unplayable without it.


I wouldn’t say the Rogue dev hates Rogues or doesn’t want us to play Rogues.

The problem is that the Rogue dev is operating on a different standard of what direction to go. But without communicating intent that makes it hard to provide feedback.

For example why would they choose to put increased Sinister Strike chance in the Fatebound tree when the spec needs it baseline?

When beta opens up I will be providing probably far more feedback on the general Rogue tree along with spec trees.

Fix all that first and then we can iron out the +/-10% DPS budget for Fatebound, Trickster and Deathstalker respectively.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:


i guess rogue dev thinks rogue specs are already amazing and perfect. because of that they are not doing big stuff big changes. just small buffs


This 100%. Current outlaw tier set is a failure of design because no tier set should ever be mandatory for a spec to feel complete. Outlaw felt terrible this season before getting the 4 set bonus back. We literally didn’t even have a choice of what to vote for in the set bonus poll because outlaw is not functional without the S3 set bonus post rework. Voting for any other set bonus would basically be trolling.


I am excited to play rogue this expac. Which is weird, but between the removal of Shadow Dance for non-sub rogues and the emphasis on Thief-like elements (luck and deception) instead of magic? I’m all in.

Personally going Trickster Outlaw because Feint gets RB resets plus an actual attack-comboing system? It all adds up to seem like an actual innovation on the class both for theme and for gameplay.

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They said in the last rogue blue post they are planning on moving away from feint being the activator of trickster. I’d imagine it still has some interaction in the tree but likely as a boost for needing to feint, not something making you actively want to press it.

Personally I agree, trickster is still heavily a WIP so I’ll give them time to cook with the animations its going to have, but fatebound for how passive the tree is (especially for outlaw) is very visually boring.

The coin is alright… it should have a better spawn animation and probably a unique animation everytime you flip a match.

And the capstone… the capstone needs god. Its both insanely passive/boring (medium stat boost u get once a fight and keep for the remainder of the fight) AND has no animation at all basically. If the capstones going to be this boring it should at least look pretty.


That’s actually a big shame because it presents a choice of balancing defense and offense – pooling charges or ramping uptime in a window. Feint having 2 charges made it uniquely interesting. Adding a new button or moving away to another skill makes it worrisome… Especially if they choose Vanish because of the changes for Shadow Dance and the “forced fun” of stealth interactions in the Deep Outlaw tree. Vanish would be a far more costly activation than Feint.

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And so Deathstalker came in and proved they didn’t have any plans for Rogue to be aesthetically interesting in TWW.


Rogue community falls into two camps:

One that wants flashy bells and whistle active abilities and the other that wants non flashy utilitarian type of passives to manage.

There is no in between to be honest.

DFA, MFD, Dreadblades, etc are all missed.

I mean passive have their place like Cut to the Chase is nice QoL as well as Subterfuge. But we also lost passives like Anticipation.

And some active abilties like Thistle Tea are just poorly thought out. The animation for Thistle Tea is fitting but it doesn’t match what is should be doing.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Ambush Outlaw… well, glad I didn’t pre-order. Worst addition of Dragonflight.


Bring back cannon barrage


Here are 3 ideas for rogue hero specs just for fun.

Blade Twister- assass, outlaw

Shadow Walker- sub, assass

Death Dealer- outlaw/sub. (Instead of a coin, have it based on cards you pull every 30s with different effects, very random)

Any critiques? Or ideas on how these 3 would work for gameplay if they were real?