Current Pet charms

With Dragonflight on the way to us is there any word yet if we are keeping the current type of Pet charms we are using in Shadowlands?..


No word yet

Bump - I have this question also. Not sure if alpha has pet battles, but hopefully by some time during the beta we’ll get an answer.

We do have pets, but we haven’t seen any that cost charms.

The vendors we’ve seen on alpha do use Polished Pet Charms however, this is still the alpha and that could easily change.


Nice, thanks for the update! Guess I’ll keep farming them for now just in case.

Thanks for the update Amayita…

Just going to give this a little bump…

So do we know for sure if the Polished Pet Charms will be used as currency for new pets in Dragonflight, or is it still up in the air?

We’re 95% sure we’re keeping the charms. All the vendors we have are showing the current charms, including pets for purchase with them.


I think we had a decent heads up with the last change. I only have many thousands of charms I would have to burn to get rid of them if there was a currency change.


The last time they changed the charms I went out full bore and told everyone I knew in game and on my FB wow sites what was happening to the charms and what to do…still though there were thousands caught with tons of the old charms with nothing really to with them as they missed the change to go buy pet stones before the change over.


Sounds like we are Amayita but still after the last change some of us are very very cautious we know how Blizzard is sometimes…but I feel like you that we will stick with these charms for now…I damn well hope so …I collected over 58,000 of them already LOL.


There was something like three weeks last time between announcing and implementing which I remember because I was away for work during the entire unneccesarily short period and ended up stuck with several thousand of the useless old charms and I am STILL KIND OF MAD ABOUT IT. Ahem.


Yeah there wasn’t much talk about that change and only due to grace of one player that put out the word here on these forms did I hear about it…it was like it was hidden from us like they tried with the Long Boi removal…and yes many many players got stuck with those older charms…but there was some of us truly trying to put out the word to as many as we could on all WoW sites related…I knew I was.

There should of been a longer telling of this change esp for folks that work away from home and that …I feel for you Minidecay…


That’s why I reserved that 5%, gives us the ‘Blizzard Factor’ room on the estimation :joy:


Good to hear…but I’m still worried!