Current Jaina Vs LK Arthas

Hmm that surprising I know void portals do work that way so I assumed a mage could do the same thing, oh well I guess that something Magister Umbric can do as arcain/void user hybrid that Jaina can’t.

Than she should just yeet him into the great dark. If you can lift a flagship of kul tiran fleet out of bottom of the ocean considering the pressure it would be on it and then also maintain the same levitation force to control said ship in the air doing maneuvers with it that our alliance own air ships haven’t shown to be capable of. That should be able to throw the boy prince of edge into the deep dark.

Just because X character is a raid boss does not mean they are stronger than say a dungeon boss or a Quest target. A nightmare corrupted Ysera was killed in a quest while Nythendra was a raid boss. I would think Ysera > Nythendra any day. Also the placement of when X character is a raid boss does not mean they are stronger than previous raid bosses. If that was the case, AU Kargath > Lich King because WoD happened after Wrath. Hell, Halion > Lich King since RS was released after the frostwing halls & Frozen Throne wings were made available. The strongest raid boss we have faced lore wise is Argus, who was a literal Titan. Jaina ain’t got nothing on Argus. While yes, Jaina has gotten stronger since Wrath, we can’t simply claim that, “she was raid boss well after Lich King, therefore Jaina > Lich King” with 100% certainty.

Also while Jaina’s goal was to stall the horde for as long as possible, she had to dip out when she was about to die and was badly injured as a result.

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If Arthas was alive. He would be evenly match against jaina and her high ice powers.

But now. He’s still in Chains in the Maw.

Jaina would beat the Avatar of Sargeras if he reappeared, judging by the raging hard-on the writers have for her.


She accomplished her goal of delaying the horde and allowing the alliance fleet to escape, so I do believe it was a victory, especially since she managed to escape right after.

As for her compared to the Lich King, I give it to Arthas for narrative superiority, the big bad evil guy has to be the most powerful

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Technically, that’s called a draw.

No, it is what is known as a pyrrhic victory for the horde. The alliance win BoD period. They destroyed the Golden Armada, killed their leader and managed to escape with minimum deaths. Jaina’s objective was to delay the horde long enough so the Alliance forces could escape. She succeeded. Trying to kill the horde champions would’ve just been icing on the cake. All the horde got out of it was putting Gelbin on life support and wounding Jaina. Which tbh is not that huge of a victory considering both of them recover in the end.


So, the Alliance FINALLY got a Victory against the Horde…

wow. Such Glorious “victory.” :roll_eyes:

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You act as if BoD was the only time the Alliance beat the horde. It isn’t.

So having naval dominance after destroying the biggest rival navy to Kul Tiras, sacking their city and killing their King while retreating with minimum deaths is a “victory”?

Why are you so afraid of basic facts?

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Name another time in the lifetime of WoW that it has happened. SoO doesn’t count btw, the Horde beat the Horde in that scenario, Alliance just happened to be there as well. And this is canon per the books, Horde beat that raid, not Alliance.

The BFA warfronts for starters.

Are we just limiting this to WoW itself or can it include the RTS games and novels? If so we have WC2: Tides of Darkness and WC2: Beyond the Dark Portal as one (or two). But knowing that kind of post you made, it will become a “What have the romans ever done for us” style of discussion.

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Well let’s see, I did say WoW, but even still you have to go all the way back to Warcraft 2 to find an actual Victory of the Alliance over the Horde. And The Warfronts only happened via tweet, so I’m not sure they count, but I’ll give them to you. But that was after Dazar’alor, not before. Your snide remark made it seem like it’s happened many times BEFORE, yet you have to go back to Warcraft 2, that’s over 30 years ago in game time.

Oh I agree, the victory sucked, but thats how just par for the course with blizzard in the faction conflict, victories never really feel good. Either because of conatsntly telling the players they should feel bad for “What they had to do to win” or just making it completely unsatisfieying, which is their prefered method for the alliance

Blizzards preferred way of writing the faction conflict is a parity of misery, where the victories never feel as powerful as the defeats. It’s just how they write and is one of the major reasons i hate the faction conflict with such a burning passion.


Ultimately the Lich King at the time was more akin to a demi-god. It took the combined might of Tirion, the world’s strongest heroes, and a special Light sword to defeat him. Jaina is impressive, but ultimately she’s one mortal woman. And Death Knights have historically been portrayed as an anti-mage type character.

She could hold her own for a time, I imagine. But I don’t think winning would be in the cards.

Oh no, using an example from within the universe… the horror.

You only did that because of my monty python reference.

You only said to list 1 example and never said now far back I had to go. You got proven wrong and now you need to try and think of excuses as to why they don’t count.

Seems I was right in saying

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  1. You spelled Turalyon wrong
  2. It was Tirion. Turalyon was off in the twisting nether killing demons and shagging his elf wife at that point in time.

Thanks, late at night typo’s.

Everyone talks about simping for Sylvanas, but comments like this regularly get a pass. Jussayin.

Homeboy this topic is from last year, what’re you doing?

I agree there doesn’t seem to be anyone who can rival her in game. Other then the night warrior. She seems a lot stronger then Tirion was.