I’m not sure if it is just me, but i really enjoy the totemic gameplay however the caveat being i dislike how it locks you out of movement mechanics while attempting to maintain damage through put. Granted totemic recall etc which are grand it doesnt feel great.
Secondly, It’s damage output seems very lack luster and may be due to it seeming to be a ramping dps, however its buffs when in use are very lack luster in my opinin.
Thirdly enh currently feels since i’ve been back this xpac after quite a retail hiatus; enhancement feels like a dual wield elemental shaman. Your melees and weapon buffs are lack luster, your melee attacks feel like noodles ( Granted in the elementalist stormbringer set up lava lash can get 300-400k. Sadly i really do not dislike this playstyle of spamming chain lightning or tempest. It’s so bland. Sure it looks cool but aside from pressing the 6 or so other rotational abilities to get enhancement buffs out its very Lame.
I never thought i’d ever say i’ve been turned off to enh shaman as it’s essentially the only class/spec ive really every enjoyed in wow since the wow has come out in 04.
I was curious if anyone has found any similar dislikings or if im just being too picky for enh. I truly enjoy the melee side of ENH with buffing your main abilities to do dmg. However i cant get over feeling like a dual wield ele shaman. It feels like the caster side of shaman is what is being enhanced and the melee aspect is just well it’s their.
Has anyone maybe figured out a windfury frost build or physical demanding damage output build for enh that has any merit of value?
Honestly in short this post may be more of a very short, il-defined explanation of a dislike for a spec that perhaps i may just need to try other class/specs out so that i can continue on this epic journey were all about to delve into.
I’ve been enjoying elementalist stormbringer. Tempest procs are so satisfying and the gameplay is really fast but smooth. It’s great when the tank is dragging the pack all over doing mass pulls. Being able to stay in the fight without worry of dragging that totem around is great.
I will never understand people saying that play style is “smooth”. Literally feels like the opposite of smooth.
Smooth to me is the current Ret play style. Absolute butter smooth.
I tried ele and while doing the DPS rotation you literally have to stop and go ok now which one again? All of a sudden I’m pressing 7 instant cast buttons in a row.
Now all of a sudden I have to hard cast and feel slow for awhile.
I’m referring to enhancement, not ele. Elementalist stormbringer is very smooth imo. It all makes sense to me, everything works together. Hitting tempest on a big pack followed by back to back chain lightnings is so satisfying.
I love running in, flame shocking 1, pw another, crash lightning, lava lashing. That’s usually enough maelstrom for me to bang out a PW buffed lightning bolt, followed by a huge fire nova into chain lightning and usually a tempest followed by double cl’s.
Ten attacks and only 2 of them are considered melee strikes… on a melee spec and Crash Lightning is questionable as a melee attack. I count it as it is close range and counts as a main-hand attack but…bruh.
If you want to get technical, depending on the talents we have at most 3 melee attacks if you take ice strike. Our kit has literally always been a hybrid melee/ranged. Bruh.
Ok, and? All I’m saying is that it’s a little heavy on emphasizing the spell side at the moment. Nothing wrong with someone wanting the melee strikes to be more rewarding to use.
Also I believe it’s five melee attacks. SS, LL, Ice Strike, Crash Lighting, and Sundering all count as melee strikes.
How so? CrL and Sundering? They are cleave melee attacks but their visual is all spell thus why I stated CrL is questionable. How is that in any way a contradiction?
That’s literally you arguing against it being a melee attack.
Besides that, you can only use 1 spender per 5-10 msw built. You have to choose, so you either hit tempest if up, lightning bolt/eleblast on single target, or chain lightning on multiple targets. While different spells, they fill the same function, dump msw.
Outside of nova we aren’t generating meaningful msw if we aren’t doing melee attacks consistently.
That was in response to the fact that only 2 out of 10 attacks in your previously stated “combo” could be considered melee attacks. I understand it’s a class aiming for “hybrid”, but I do find the melee part of our kit underwhelming at times.
That all depends on your build. There is a build there that relys heavily on melee attacks, which you are already playing. It only has 3 ranged attacks, lightning bolt, frost shock, and flame shock.
Same, excited for the incoming totemic changes. As a vibe I way prefer totemic, though stormbringer has its charm, but some changes are absolutely necessary. As it stands the burst is too necessary to stormbringer to be at least comparable to other dps classes.
But the incoming totemic changes are heckin promising