Current bug/old bug

I already submitted a bug report for “Lycara’s Teachings” over 1 month ago and I’m surprised this wasn’t fixed for patch 11.1… (as I can’t be the only person to have reported this bug), so I’m trying here.

When you’re in Moonkin form, you only receive 3% mastery - even when you have 2 talent points into the skill. (instead of the 6% noted on the tool tip) Cat form correctly receives the 6% crit, Bear form correctly receives the 6% vers, and “no form” weirdly receives 7.46% haste instead of 6% haste.

Curious about Lycara’s Meditation currently not retaining haste from no form when swapping into other forms (unsure if that’s intended, I would assume so)

The loss of haste is intended.

As for the mastery issue it has to do with how Blizz has designed and scaled mastery. Because mastery is unique per spec you get 6 points of mastery instead of actually getting 6%. For boomy this works out to 3%. This is primarily due to celestial alignment benefitting from mastery twice over. It’s just the tooltip wording that is misleading with regard to mastery.

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