Currency Conversions and Rewards Updates in Patch 4.4.2

As we prepare for the release of the Hour of Twilight patch 4.4.2 on February 18, we’re arranging for currency conversions that will take place during maintenance.

Conquest and Honor Points

All existing Conquest Points in the Currency tab will be converted to Honor Points.

  • All Honor Points that exceed the 4000 point cap will be converted to silver at a rate of 35 silver per point and will be mailed to the character.

The initial cap for Conquest Points will be 4000. This will increase by 4000 every week throughout the season.

Valor and Justice Points

All existing Valor Points in the Currency tab will be converted to Justice Points.

  • All Justice Points exceeding the 4000 point cap will be converted into gold at a rate of 47 silver per point and will be mailed to the character.

The initial cap for Valor Points will be 1600 and will increase by 1600 every week throughout the season.

Each boss defeated (except Madness of Deathwing) will reward 100 Valor Points.

  • Defeating Madness of Deathwing will reward 200 Valor Points.

In Baradin Hold, defeating Argoloth or Occu’thar rewards 35 Valor Points in 10-player mode and 45 Valor Points in 25-player mode.

  • When Alizabal becomes available after the Dragon Soul raid, defeating this boss will reward 100 Valor Points in either mode.

Every successful Elemental Rune Dungeon: Protocol Twilight run will reward 240 Valor Points.

Every successful Elemental Rune Dungeon: Protocol Inferno run will continue to reward 240 Valor Points.

The number of Valor Points awarded for defeating bosses in Firelands will not change with the new patch.


Will you also fix emblems from WotLK and TBC?


When will you address PvP and the declining population for RBGs etc?

Cata needs more PvP achievments, mounts, rewards and incentives etc.
Theres literally 0 RBGs.

No one cares about pvp hence the drop off. No, they will continue to work on stuff that matters to the majority.

Why aren’t you doing the overcapped honor from conquest conversion this season?

Can we please get Class Balancing for PvP specifically? Arena & RBGs are completely dead and overrun with Rank 1 players on 7 smurfs

Why is gear-swapping snapshotting before pull not hotfixed?

Will the Fragments from infernos get reset?

Or will we be able to use those to instantly cap valor post-patch?

I don’t see why not, capping valor point doesn’t take too long if its only 1600 cap.

I have so many fragments than I could probably cap the 1600 multiple times so I hope they do not reset it.

End of Cata season 1: Blizzard over-caps honor and releases new honor gear at a higher ilvl, so anyone who used their conquest to buy gear before the season’s end was punished.
Players: Ok, so we should over-cap conquest + honor at the end of the season so we can get full honor gear at the start of the NEXT season. Gotcha!
End of Cata season 2: Blizzard reverts the over-cap from season 1 AFTER the season has already ended, so anyone with over-capped conquest cannot spend it.
B R U H . . .
If you are going to change how a system works, communicate it early enough so that players can respond to the changes. Anyone with unspent conquest (the correct decision in the previous system) is horribly screwed over by this change. Please implement this season the same way you did the last one, or at least allow the current gear to be purchased with conquest points so players have a way to use the currency they already have.


Well said. Do you know if there will be higher ilvl honor gear again after this reset?

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This needs to be addressed. Many players were stockpiling extra Conquest points for the honor conversion based on the Cata Season 1 to Cata Season 2 precedent.

Announcing a change after we can no longer spend our conquest points is the problem.


Please get rid of useless currencies again. Can’t use Wgrasp shards, can’t use badges but there’s still well over 1000 of each in my currency tab again.

Would definitely like to see this addressed, but considering how soon before the reset it is, I doubt it will get addressed. At least I’ll get enough gold from my 20k+ conquest to buy a single enchant or perhaps a few red gems…?

MOP is a PvP majority expansion. Are you going to come crying back here asking for PvE help in MOP?

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for sylver? I think Blizzard is hesitant to release the conversion reward.

Definitely not because no one will play mop pvp either 3 months in. People literally said the exact same thing before cata released. it was the best expansion for pvp yadda yadda yadda. 3 months later, pvp is dead.

MoP may have been on a similar level as cata pvp in terms of balance but it also added a lot of homogenization, where every class had some sort of movement ability/gap closer, every class had a stun and/or interrupt, every class had a heal.

No one said this. PVPers have been waiting for MoP since TBC.

the issue is that it’s heavily gatekept, pvp needs constant balancing and they aren’t putting any effort into keeping any kind of integrity on the ladder.

people said the same thing for cata. BEST PVP EXPANSION YAR YAR. No one said this? Just search reddit.


People have been RMT’ing tbc classic, wrath classic, and cata classic. Blizzard doesn’t care. Snutz literally boosted people in arena while streaming. This was obvious when someone kept donating and gifting subs.

You clearly were not on the forums during the end of WotLK then.

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every classic expansion:
“PVPers have been waiting for x since y”