's eso?

Really sucks I can’t play arcanist yet. I really want that as a main. The abilities look really cool. I like the green.

I’ve said this before - apologies to the one person who reads my posts - but ESO is the only game in which you can play an actual lock-picking, pick-pocketing, breaking-and-entering larcenous thief. Best aspect of the game, IMO.

Related to that, there’s a skill line for almost everything in the game - weapon styles, vampires, werewolves, each type of crafting, each guild (fighters, magicians, assassins), and whatever they’ve added since I last played. No limit on how many skills you can pick up, but, it being Elder Scrolls, you have to “practice” a skill line in order to level it up.

The only reason I don’t play that much is because the character models are a bit of a miss, and many of the character customization options are basically irrelevant. Plus, after I’ve played for half an hour, I can’t help but think “you know, I could be playing Skyrim.”

I played ESO at launch but to me the combat seemed to be designed more for the controller and then they tried to convert it to the keyboard instead of keyboard first combat design.

I use controller and I love it, I’ve also used KB/mouse and it was fun too but I prefer having controller for most games ever since I played FFXIV

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If you like: ugly armor, bland uninspired art direction, no class distinction because everyone can be everything type design, not being able to use the AH unless you’re part of a large guild and playing an mmo that is basically a singleplayer game with other people running around than you’ll love it.

Eso is depressing to play. Everything is brown or gray.

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Heh, I get that feeling a lot with western RPGs in general…

Why are some people getting so mad about someone asking for opinions about another game? That has happened on the forums for a while, and i always enjoy reading people’s thoughts.

I’m most interested in how ESO’s PvP is now - specifically Cyrodill - and is it easy enough to gear for PvP.

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I was a big ESO player. Was one of the top stamdks in pvp for a while. ESO is definitely a breath of fresh air. There are tons of stuff to do as in any mmo; questing, trials (raids), dungeons, player-owned houses, skills. The lore is very deep and some of the best. Pvp, however, has been on the decline since the servers took a crap since the release of Elsweyr. Lag is terrible in Cyrodiil, and the skill cap has been decreased. There are tons of gear, and it doesn’t get thrown away with every expansion. You can continue to use the same gear to make different setups, whether it is for pve or pvp.

Its an open world game with a companion system with housing and lot of content maybe over 1000hrs + of solable content .Best gear is obtained via crafting and set bonuses can be obtained doing the easiest instance content or from open world

Instance content however is extremely confusing to navigate, imagine every dungeon being Waycrest manor. Speaking of dungeons its pro Dps game as tanks are not really tanks but support . Group selection are mandated on how unselfish your build is .

IMO the dungeon and raid content are not upto par to WoW, but if you love world content and you want to be able to experience it without being forced to group up - go for it

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